Part 56

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Pete and Dave exchanged skeptical glances, but Abel was convinced they were on the right track. They drove on, deeper into the deserted town, the sand crunching beneath the tires. They couldn't help but feel uneasy, as if they were intruding on a long-forgotten place.

Pete and Dave, desperate to break the silence, asked Abel what he planned to do with his share of the money once they successfully completed their mission. Abel sighed, looking off into the distance for a moment before responding.

"To be honest, I haven't really thought about it," he said. "All I've been focused on is finding Khumo and getting revenge for my brother. But I suppose I should start thinking about what comes next."

Pete and Dave nodded, listening intently as Abel continued to speak. He talked about how he had always wanted to consider leaving Africa, but never had the money to do so. He also mentioned how he had always dreamed of traveling the world, seeing new places and experiencing new cultures.

The conversation drifted into a deep discussion about Abel's long-term prospects outside of revenge. Pete and Dave listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and advice where they could. Despite their previous disagreements, they were all united in their desire to move on from their current lives and start anew.

Pete and Dave were taken aback by the odd taboo sights, but Abel seemed unfazed, his mind still deep in thought about his future beyond this mission. Their conversation continued as they drove through the deserted town, the sound of the car echoing through the empty streets. Despite the animosity between them, the group had found a common ground in their desire for a better future.

The emptiness of the abandoned town seemed to mirror Abel's own sense of emptiness. The buildings, once full of life and activity, were now dilapidated and empty. The streets, once bustling with people and cars, were now quiet and desolate. As Abel drove through the town, he felt a sense of sadness and loneliness wash over him. He couldn't help but think about his own life and how he had ended up here, chasing after revenge and money.

They drove through the abandoned settlements edge, the road stretching out before them like a ribbon of cracked asphalt. Abel couldn't help but think about his past, and how it had brought him to this desolate place.

As the car bumped along the uneven road, Abel gazed out at the ruins of the town. Buildings lay in ruins, their walls crumbling and their windows shattered. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the silence was broken only by the sound of their engine.

He wondered if revenge would truly bring him the peace he so desperately craved, or if it would only deepen his sense of emptiness. He knew that the road ahead would be long and treacherous, filled with danger and uncertainty. But he was determined to see it through, no matter the cost.

In the end, Abel was left with nothing but his own thoughts and the empty streets of the abandoned town. It was a stark reminder of his own emptiness, and the harsh reality of his situation. But as he drove on, his grip tight on the wheel, he felt a sense of purpose stirring within him, even if it had been an evil instinct.

Abel looked out into the horizon, taking in the sight of the vast wilderness that lay ahead. The wind was howled across the weathered rock formations that had become instruments. He turned to Pete and Dave and spoke firmly.

"We're at the right place," he said. "I know it."

Pete and Dave looked at each other, uncertain. They had followed Abel this far, but they were starting to have doubts. The landscape was rugged, and they were miles away from civilization. The idea of being lost out here was unsettling.

Abel noticed their hesitation and continued, "Trust me, guys. I've thought of this thoroughly, and I won't let her get out of the way, and neither would I risk you cut of the goods."

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