Part 57

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Abel's voice rang out, clear and determined. It was a voice that commanded respect, and Pete and Dave nodded in agreement, ready to follow him into the unknown. The plain had been laid bear, they would ambush Khumo as she made her way out of the Blacksands. They had last seen her the previous day, and were confident that she would approach soon.

Together, the three of them left the car behind, camouflaging it amidst the wilderness. They walked in silence, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. Abel led the way, his gaze fixed ahead, his mind focused on the task at hand.

Pete and Dave trailed behind, their expressions tense with anticipation. They trusted their leader, but the wilderness was unforgiving, and they knew that anything could happen. Pete and Dave walked silently beside him, each lost in their own thoughts. The wind picked up, blowing the sand around them, and the sound of their footsteps echoed in the stillness. They had no idea what lay ahead, but they were all committed to seeing this through to the end.

Abel led Pete and Dave up the mountain bypass, their backpacks filled with what little the men had. As they made their way up the mountain bypass, the group's pace slowed down considerably due to the difficult terrain and the lack of food made their journey all the more difficult. Abel's orders to hurry had left them without proper provisions. They could feel their stomachs grumbling with hunger as they climbed higher, but it had been no time to rest

Dave, who was carrying one of the two antique rifle, kept his eyes peeled for any sign of Khumo and her elephants. Abel, on the other hand, was deep in thought, contemplating his past and his current mission. He felt a mix of emotions, ranging from determination to regret.

They climbed up the rough terrain, sweat drenching their clothes and stinging their eyes. Every so often, Abel would stop to check their position on his map, making sure they were on the right track. As they climbed higher, the air grew thin and the temperature dropped, making their fingers numb and their breaths come out in puffs of steam. The wind howled around them, making it difficult to hear anything but the sound of their own footsteps.

The air was thick with tension as they waited for Khumo's group to approach. Abel gave them a final pep talk, reminding them of the rewards that awaited them once they completed their mission, but soon Abel's words were interrupted by an unexpected presence.

Pete pointed towards the sky, his eyes fixated on the ominous looking clouds that were gathering in the northeast. "We need to turn back, Abel. Look at those clouds, it's going to be a massive storm!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic.

Abel looked up at the clouds and then back at Pete. "We can't turn back now, Pete. We're so close to Khumo and the elephants," he replied calmly.

"But Abel, we have no food and barely any ammunition left. And now this storm is coming. We need to think about our survival," Dave chimed in, agreeing with Pete.

Abel took a deep breath and looked at both of his men. "We've come too far to turn back now. We'll have to push through and make it work. We'll find food and shelter along the way," he said, his voice determined.

Pete and Dave reluctantly nodded their heads, knowing that Abel was right. They continued their journey, but the ominous clouds lingered in the back of their minds, causing the two to worry about what lay ahead.

Pete had continually turned towards the dark clouds in the north east and says, "That's a bad omen. It's probably part of the same cluster as the other one that nearly wiped the girl out, and we don't have the car's lightening rod to protect us here."

"Don't be superstitious, Pete. It's just a storm. We've been through worse.", Dave said.

Pete shook his head and responded, "I'm telling you, it's not just a storm. It's an omen. We were already chasing after Khumo, ivory poachers, and now this storm? It's not a coincidence."

Dave rolled his eyes, "You're letting your fear get the better of you. We'll take shelter when the storm hits and be fine."

Pete seemed uneasy but remained quiet, keeping an eye on the sinister storm clouds. As they moved deeper through the treacherous and slippery mountain pass, the jagged rock formations formed some bumpy trips beneath them.

The rise in strong winds, caused by the storm, forced the group to brace themselves on flesh-cutting rock, as the sound of the wind howled through narrow crevices, creating an eerie, otherworldly sound. The men had to watch their step as they traversed through the rocky terrain, with steep drops on either side.

Despite the present danger facing them with the imposing storm, and the risk of tripping to be impaled, Pete and Dave couldn't help but feel awed by the stunning view of the valley below. However, Abel was too focused on the task at hand to appreciate the beauty around them. He urged them to hurry, sensing the urgency to reach their destination before the storm worsened.

Pete's fear continued to gnaw at him, making him uneasy. He couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous was about to happen. Dave, on the other hand, remained optimistic, convinced that they would make it out unscathed.

As they trudged along, the storm intensified, and the wind grew stronger, making it difficult for them to keep their balance. Despite their differences, Pete and Dave worked together to ensure that they stayed safe. They continued to make their way through the rocky terrain, one cautious step at a time, hoping to reach their destination before the storm took a turn for the worse.

The day slowly moves on. The men are exhausted, having trekked for hours, but they know they can't rest until they reach their destination. They push on, their eyes fixed on the path ahead. Suddenly, they hear a loud rumble in the distance. Pete's fear of the incoming storm is starting to look more and more like a reality. They attempt to quicken their pace, but Abel calms them, reminding them the storm will pass. 

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