Part 51

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As Abel strode away from the camp, Pete and Dave exchanged uneasy glances. They had seen this behaviour before, the way Abel's mood would shift without warning, leaving them uncertain and on edge. But something about this particular mission had amplified Abel's erratic behaviour, and the two henchmen couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over them.

They huddled together, their voices lowered to a whisper. "Do you think we should bail?" Pete asked, his eyes darting nervously towards the direction Abel had gone.

Dave shook his head. "You know we can't do that. Abel's got us in too deep."

Pete and Dave reminisced about the early days, when they first met Abel and he had taken them under his wing. They laughed about the times he had taught them how to track animals and shoot with accuracy. But now, things were different. Abel had become increasingly erratic and unpredictable. They never knew what mood he would be in or what orders he would give.

Pete shook his head, "I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He used to be so level-headed and smart."

Dave nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but you know how it is. Money changes people. And we've been making a lot of it."

Pete frowned. "I don't care how much money we make, it's not worth the risk of getting caught."

Dave rolled his eyes. "Relax, man. We haven't been caught yet, have we? And besides, Abel has always been good at covering our tracks."

Pete sighed. He knew Dave was right, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they were playing a dangerous game. He looked up as Abel approached, his face set in a grim expression.

Pete and Dave shared stories about their relationship with Abel's brother, who had passed away under mysterious circumstances. They recalled how Abel was never the same after his brother's death, and how he became increasingly erratic and unpredictable.

Dave shuddered at the memory, "I remember when we found him after his brother's funeral. He was sitting alone in the dark, staring into space. He looked like a man possessed."

Pete nodded in agreement, "I think that's when things really started to change for him. He became obsessed with hunting and killing, and nothing else seemed to matter anymore."

Pete sighed, a sense of resignation settling over him. He knew that they were stuck with Abel, no matter how uneasy it made him feel. So they waited in tense silence, wondering what Abel's next move would be, and hoping that they would survive the fallout, and at least get out with some elephant tusks.

Abel stormed back into the camp, his face twisted in anger and frustration. He paced around the clearing, his boots kicking up small plumes of dust with each step. Pete and Dave exchanged worried glances, silently communicating their fear to one another. They had seen Abel like this before, and they knew that he was capable of anything in this state.

As Abel ranted and raved, his voice growing louder and more unintelligible with each passing moment, Pete and Dave huddled together, trying to figure out what to do next. They knew that they had already crossed a line, but they also knew that they couldn't let Khumo slip through their grasp. They had come too far to turn back now, but they hoped they would not find a dead girl on their arms.

As they waited for Abel to return, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Pete and Dave tried to lighten the mood with jokes and laughter, but it only felt forced. They could sense that something was about to give. Abel's mind was in a dark place, consumed by anger and bitterness. He had always been a rebel, pushing boundaries and defying norms. But now, that defiance had turned into a dangerous obsession, a need to prove himself and his worth. Abel saw Khumo as the perfect target to show the world what he was capable of.

To Pete and Dave, it felt like Abel had lost sight of himself, and they worried about what he was capable of doing. They knew that they were all in this together, and they couldn't let their guard down for even a moment. Pete and Dave tried to reason with him, to remind him of the risks involved in going after a person. But Abel was beyond reason. He believed that he was invincible, that nothing could stand in his way. And as the sun began to set, he made his decision.

"We're going after her," he said, his voice cold and determined.

Pete and Dave exchanged worried glances. They knew that Abel was not in a stable state of mind, and that his actions could have serious consequences. But they also knew that they had no choice but to follow him. So, they gathered their gear and set out in the middle of the night, following Khumo's trail.

As they drove through the night, the moon rose high in the sky, casting eerie shadows over the landscape. Abel led the way, his rifle sitting beside him at the ready, his eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of Khumo. Pete and Dave at on the truckbed behind, their hearts heavy with fear and uncertainty.

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