Part 53

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Pete let out a small chuckle as he tried to lighten the mood, "Well, guys, looks like we'll have to cuddle tonight in the car. Don't worry, Abel, I'll be the big spoon for you."

Dave rolled his eyes at Pete's attempt at humour, but Abel didn't even crack a smile. He was too consumed with his obsession for the ivory and the wealth it would bring. "Enough with the jokes, Pete. We have a job to do," Abel barked, his voice sharp and cold.

Pete shrunk back a bit at Abel's response, realizing he had hit a sensitive nerve. He knew better than to make light of the situation again and settled back into his seat, silently praying for the rain to stop so they could continue on their mission.

As they settled in for the night, the sound of the rain hitting the car's roof provided a soothing background noise. However, the tension between the men was palpable. Abel remained stoic and silent, lost in his own thoughts. Dave attempted to engage him in conversation, but he was met with only grunts and nods.

Pete decided to break the silence again, hoping to lighten the mood once more. "Hey, Abel," he said. "Remember that time we tried to poach that rhino and it charged at us?"

Abel grunted in response, but Pete continued, undeterred. "And then you tripped and fell, and we had to drag you as we ran for our lives?" he said, chuckling.

Dave joined in, laughing as he remembered the incident. For a brief moment, the tension between the men dissipated. However, it didn't last long, as the realization of their current situation set in once again. They all knew that they had to find Khumo and her elephants before it was too late. But with the rain pouring down and the terrain becoming increasingly difficult to navigate, they were running out of time.

As the rain continued to pour outside, the three poachers huddled inside their car for warmth and shelter. The pitter-patter of the raindrops against the roof and windows provided a soothing background noise, and the dim light inside the car created a peaceful ambiance.

For a moment, the tension and urgency of their mission were forgotten, and the three men allowed themselves to relax and reflect. Pete leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes, letting out a contented sigh. Dave stared out into the rain, lost in thought, while Abel sat with his head in his hands, lost in his own world.

Despite their criminal intentions, there was something oddly peaceful about the moment. The rain seemed to wash away their troubles, at least for a little while, and they were able to appreciate the beauty of the storm and the tranquillity of the night.

As the night wore on, the atmosphere of war began to seep into the dreams of the men. The sound of the heavy rain beating against the roof of the car seemed to merge with the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and dying animals. The dreams were a hodgepodge of chaotic noise, leaving each man feeling as if they were on the front lines of a brutal battle.

For Abel, the dreams were filled with a sense of urgency and the need for control. He dreamed of being a general, barking orders to his soldiers as they advanced into enemy territory. The sound of gunfire echoed in his ears as he shouted commands, determined to lead his men to victory. But as the dream wore on, he began to realize that the battle was not worth the cost. The sacrifices were too great, and he was too exhausted to continue.

Dave's dreams were filled with guilt and regret. He dreamed of innocent animals being slaughtered by poachers, and he was powerless to stop it. The sound of their dying cries filled his ears as he tried desperately to intervene, but it was no use. The poachers were too strong, too well-armed, and he was too weak to make a difference.

Pete's dreams were the most vivid of all. He dreamed of being in a warzone, surrounded by the deafening sounds of bombs and gunfire. But as he looked around, he realized that he was alone. His comrades had abandoned him, leaving him to fend for himself in a battle he could never win. The dream left him feeling vulnerable and exposed, as if he were fighting a losing battle.

Despite the different details in each man's dream, one thing was clear: they were all in a state of constant war. The dreams were a reflection of the violence and danger that surrounded them every day, leaving them restless and unsettled. As the night wore on, the sound of the rain outside blended with the sounds of their dreams, creating a symphony of chaos that seemed to envelop them all.

Despite the violent nature of their dreams, the men seemed to awake without any signs of pain or discomfort. They rose from their slumber as the rain had finally stopped, and the sun was starting to shine through the clouds. They gathered their things and began to prepare for the day ahead, still feeling the weight of their dreams on their minds.

Awakened from their troubled dreams. They looked at each other with a mixture of exhaustion and unease, as they tried to shake off the memories of the night before. For a moment, there was a quiet stillness in the car, as each man reflected on his own life and the choices that had brought him to that point. For Abel's men the hunt was about money and the promise of a big payoff, and for Abel himself this was a vendetta that could only end in blood.

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