Part 61

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As the thunder rumbled in the distance, Abel felt a knot of anxiety twist in his gut. He had planned meticulously for this moment, but nature had other ideas. The lightning crackled again, closer this time, and he could feel the hairs on his arms stand on end. His plan had failed, leaving him with nothing to show for his efforts.

Pete dashed over, his face twisted in frustration. "The storm's drowned the fire," he shouted over the roar of the wind. "But we've got some fuel left. We can still make it."

Dave appeared at Abel's side, his eyes scanning the horizon. "I've been tracking the group closely," he said. "We can follow them through the top of the cliffs if we move quickly enough."

Abel's mind raced as he considered their options. He knew they couldn't afford to waste any more time. With a deep breath, he nodded to his companions. "Let's do it," he said. "We'll adapt our plan to the moment and make it work."

As they set off into the howling storm, Abel felt a surge of determination wash over him. He would not let this setback defeat him. With Pete and Dave by his side, he would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Tracking the group through the pounding rain had proven to be a challenge, but Abel and his team had persevered. Despite the deluge, they had managed to keep the large, grey shapes of the elephants in their sights.

But now, as they closed in on the group, Abel felt a sense of unease wash over him. How would they stop Khumo and his herd without causing harm to the majestic animals? They had no traps or tranquilizers, no chains or heavy equipment. All they had were their wits and their courage.

As they huddled together, rain streaming down their faces, Abel could sense the tension in his companions. "We'll have to encircle them," he said, his voice firm. "We'll use our bodies to create a barrier and hope that they don't break through."

The plan was risky, but Abel knew they had no other choice. With a deep breath, he led the way towards the elephants. As they drew closer, Abel could feel his heart racing. The elephants were massive, their presence overwhelming.

But they pressed on, moving as one towards the herd. The rain pelted down, making it hard to see and even harder to keep their footing. But Abel and his team remained resolute. They would stop Khumo and his herd, no matter the cost.

Pete, and Dave knew just as well that they had no plan, but they hoped at any second Abel would come up with a plan, that could successfully provide them with what they needed. However, nature would intervene to provide the group with a plan, a lightning rod emerging from the orange tinted clouds had thrust itself onto Dave as he slipped down below - leaving Abel and Pete momentarily stunted.

It took Abel and Dave a moment to register what had happened. But they weren't the only ones who had heard the sound of a body hitting the ground. Blaze, still trailing behind the group due to her injury, had also heard the noise and rushed over to investigate.

As she approached, her heart pounding with concern, Blaze realized with a shock that it was the same man who had tried to harm her child just weeks before. Despite the fear and anger that surged through her, Blaze knew that she couldn't simply leave him lying there. She had to do what she could to help, calling on her healer Khumo to help.

Abel was still disoriented from the loud sound that had echoed through the valley, his mind struggling to make sense of what was happening. He had barely registered Dave's threat to Blaze, assuming that the elephant had returned to harm one of their friends.

But then, the gunfire rang out, a rapid succession of shots that filled the air with a deafening roar. Abel watched in horror as Blaze stumbled and fell, blood staining her grey skin.

Anger and confusion surged through Dave as he continued to fire at the animal, his understanding of the situation clouded by his fear and adrenaline. Abel unsure of what had been going was shoved away by an angry Pete, who singled out Abel as the cause for the commotion.

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