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Kim's POV

(Before telling Chay about his trip,)

"Are you sure? " I asked Vegas.

"I'm sure; you know that I will never come to a conclusion without being sure of myself." I nodded and told him that we would be leaving the pack in two hours to find that person.

After talking to my aunt about the little one's nightmare, I'm able to think only of ways to protect him. When P'Porsche and I spoke with my aunt, she told us to be careful and protect the little one at all costs. She emphasised the importance of keeping him safe from any potential harm or danger. With her words in mind, I knew that our mission to find this person was not just a mere task, but a crucial step in ensuring the little one's well-being.

"Okay, I will just talk to the little one and meet you later," I informed him, and I left to talk to the little one.

After talking to Vegas, I went to the nursery with the little one. He was super excited to see the pups having their transformation. I never been to the nursery before until now. I rarely visited the places surrounding the pack house, but after meeting the little one I have almost visit every place around the pack.

He doesn't like to be locked inside the pack house. That's what scares me about leaving him alone. But to protect him, I have to make sure that he never meets that person.

"N'Chay, I have business to attend to with our neighbour's pack. I will be gone for 2 days. I want you to be in the pack house and not leave the house unless it is necessary. Even if you want to go out, ask Big to be by your side all the time." I informed him.

"Don't worry, P'Kim; I promise that I will not go out much in your absence, and I will ask P'Big to bring me out If I want to go out." He tried to assure me that he would be safe until I returned. But deep down, I'm still worried about him. I nodded in response.

After talking to him, I left for my trip with Vegas.

"When will we reach that place?" I asked Vegas again. I'm aware that my inquiries irritated him. But I can't help but ask about that.

"This was the fifth time you have asked me this question, and it's not even an hour since we left." He told me. I shrugged in response.

I want to call and talk to my little one. I didn't know I would be missing him this much. Should I call P'Khun and ask him about the little one? I know he will tease me, but I think it will be fine. I'm just asking for a quick update on how my little one is doing. So I called him.

"P'Khun, Mm, Where are you now?" I asked him.

"Wow!! Is there something you need? Because you never called me from your end. So, tell me what you need?" He asked me and started to taunt me.

"Mmm, I just wanted to know if you're in the pack house," I asked him.

"No, I came out; I'm returning now." He said me.

" Oh ok. Actually, I wanted to know how the little one is." I finally asked him.

"There you go. I knew it was about your husband. Why don't you call him yourself and ask him?" He teased me.

I didn't respond to him.

"Oye!!! you so boring to tease. Okay, I will reach the pack house immediately and call you right back." He told me and cut the call.

Something is not feeling right. I feel the urge to go back and assure myself that the little one is safe.

Tankhun's POV

Ah!!! It looks like the little omega has Kim wrapped around his figure. I never knew Kim would be so protective and concerned about someone other than himself. It's interesting to see this side of him. I wonder what happened to make him so worried about the little one's safety.

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