You Like HIM?!

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Zelda squealed and hugged me. I shoved her off. Y/n came over and asked, "What's going on?"
I eyerolled and pointed at the princess. "Who are you?" She asks, looking him up and down.

"His boyfriend, princess. Please stop harassing my knight." He sasses, before dragging me away from her. I sigh, "Thanks, love." Y/n blushes, and not only do I notice, but I decide to tease.

I don't say anything besides what I said, because I'm afraid Zelda will hear me. Before, I was being bold, shame on her. If I do it again, shame on me, cause I'm stupid.
I gave him a quick peck on the lips before going back to Zelda. I'm thankful she knew Hylian sign.

'Sorry Princess, He's just protective. He just lost his Great Grandfather.' I sign, and it takes her a moment to connect the dots.
She looks at him, Vibrant red hair and paler skin, then looks at where she sealed Gannon away (though nothing was there). "HE'S GANNON'S DESENDANT?! Why do YOU LIKE HIM?!" 

I nod and continue to sign, 'He's also a god, show some respect.'  I walked over to Zelda and pointed to the castle, before taking out my master sword and tossing it to him.
He caught and held it with ease, and I had to explain non-verbally (which was a pain) that it was beyond draining to pull the sword at the start.

He shrugged, before swinging it around and putting it in a sword scabbard, he had owned before. I'm just thankful it fit perfectly.
"You want to go ahead and clear the castle for the princess to stay?" He asked, and I nodded. He walked over to the princess, said something, then walked back over. "Let's go. We better hurry this up." He ushered, and so we went.

When we were far enough, I questioned, "What did you say to the Princess, Y/n?"
He shrugged, "I asked her if she could send a letter to Impa in order to arrange a temporary sleeping quarters with Paya."
I didn't even know how he knew them.

It was only an hour later when all the monsters were clear. Y/n made sure to avoid the giant hole in the ground, and I can understand why.
I didn't pressure him to go INTO that room, but he indeed plowed through all the other monsters in the area. I watched him do so, wondering where he had found such an eroded crown from.

Eventually, when I asked, he explained that Gannon turned Gerudo, gave it to him, and turned back into Gannon to fight me.
Then, he zoned out. I guessed it was sort-of like my memories. When I saw something, I stood there, and time always seemed to pause when I did so.

He then explained that Gannon was the first Gerudo king and only voe in Gerudo town. Apparently, he had a child, and even though he was evil and failed, managing to get sealed away, he still loved his family.
His daughter passed down his powers, and etc until Y/n. Y/n gets his powers, but uses them for good, and still Calamity doesn't care, because he loves his son either way.

Surprisingly wholesome for a villain.

He started to talk about how the crown (even though it wasn't before) was covered in malice and gloom because of the centuries of the Calamity wearing it.
He explains how it didn't hurt him, not only because he was a god, but also a descendant. He then went on to talk about how he could go back to Gerudo town and have a copy remade.

When we managed to get back to Zelda, and Y/n asked if she had sent the letter, she pouted and said no, because he didn't ask politely.
Soooo- I 'Politely' signed her to go and write the letter that was insisted for HER wellbeing, and she told me that she could just sleep my bed with me.

"As a Prince of Gerudo town, and your ally, I ask you to go ahead and-" Y/n started, but I zoned out as he let rip strings of curses. I honestly wasn't fazed.
I mean, Y/n never acted like this, but he also never had someone threaten our relationship before. It was normal, even for that level of anger.

When he was done, I glanced at Zelda's wrist. Red and together. She was playing me, it was obvious. It was ALSO obvious that it WASN'T working. So, I did Zelda's work for her, asking Impa to keep Zelda out of my sight until I cooled down.
She sent Dorian to grab her, and I made a silent threat to him. He gulped, nodded, and took her back to his Village.

I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I'm glad she's gone." Y/n sighed, and I agreed. Then I asked, "Want to go to Gerudo town to get another? I know I have some money lying around here somewhere..."
Y/n completely shut down the idea of me paying, saying that not only did he have the money, but I had already done so much for my birthday. I groaned, "Can I at LEAST teleport you there?"

 Of course, there was nothing Y/n could do to stop me from wrapping an arm around his and teleporting before he could respond. "Link!" He shouted, "I was GOING to say YES!" I paused and said, "Oh."
We both broke out laughing. Then, we entered the town with no problems, me still in the Gerudo voe outfit. I'm guessing that I was allowed because I was next to Y/n.

When Y/n went to go and greet Riju, she got off her throne and bowed; "My king."

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