Stables and Gerudo

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"Malena?!" I asked, and she stared for a moment or two. "What?" She asked. "What do you mean what! Our whole town is empty-- Why is everyone here?"
I shot back, confused and upset. I had been worrying about nothing for the past day and a half! What was actually going on here?

"It was your orders, did you forget?" She asked, cluelessly. "Who told you?" I asked, and she shrugged, "All I know is that you told us to go ahead and fight the remaining guardians." I groaned, "I didn't order that. I didn't order anything! This was fake news!!"
Malena paused, before scowling, "Somebody lied. I'll go ahead and tell the others." She left. If there is one thing a Gerudo hates more than a man in town, it's someone lying.

I was shaking in anger, and honestly, I probably would've burst into flames if Link didn't set his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I managed to get a look at Riju, and she was chatting happily with Buliara, apparently not having heard the news yet.
Me, Link, and Zelda watched as Malena walked around, spreading the word. When it came to Riju, she stomped over to me and hissed, "So, apparently, YOU gave the word for them to disappear?!"

"No?" I said, but it came out more like a question, "Someone lied. They said I gave the word, and I didn't. I had no clue. I forgot to mention that the calamity is over-- that's why I went back to my hometown. Obviously." Riju calmed down, exhaling out her nose so hard that you could practically see smoke.
I thought and then asked, "Can you guide them back to Gerudo town while Link, Zelda, and I check the perimeter of the castle for monsters?" She nodded and walked over to a group of Gerudo. I couldn't hear what she said, but they nodded and started to pack up.

We started our way back to the stables, and when we got there, we checked out our horses. Link had given his completely white horse to Zelda as a reminder of her old one.
We paced our horses as we went around the perimeter of the castle, not expecting anything but a few stray monsters. Indeed, that was all we ever found.

We didn't dare go inside, as we had just gotten out of a stressful situation, and putting more pressure on myself and others isn't a good idea.
We decided to just take a horse break and explore for a bit. Zelda even gave a stable manager an idea for pony points, and promised that when she had the money, she would fund the project, so now, she had almost nothing to do but sit and watch the clouds.

I trotted for a little while, Link and Zelda following, but when I sopped, they were confused, and allowed their horses to go a few steps forward. I was lucky I stopped slightly early, because there was a cliff. The horses almost immediately dashed away.
With both Link and Zelda on their horses, they were able to tame them rather quickly, and then, they dismounted (to stand next to you).

I sat down, they sat down, and then the horses sat down. I laid down, they laid down, and if the horses could, they would've. I stared at the clouds, and because they were on the ground and they would look like fools, so they did so too.
I pointed out some clouds, and Link smiled; although Zelda wasn't looking at him (so it didn't really matter). "That one looks like two kissing people." Zelda pointed out, hand facing the sky. So, Link and I decided to tease.

I turned and made eye contact. Then he smirked, and we kissed. It felt right. Not only to kiss Link (Obviously- I love my little dork), but to make Zelda jealous.
I could practically see the way her face screwed up as she began to get more and more upset. Link could since it too, and that made it greater all the more.

"By the way-" I informed snidely, "We're dating." Link nodded, silently laughing at Zelda's face. Obviously, she knew, and by the look on Link's face, he seemed more relaxed- probably that one flashback I had guessed.
I took off my circlet and laid back down, fumbling with it. Maybe, just maybe. Maybe everything from now on would be fine. Or not. I heard a squeal to see Riju fangirling, and my face turned crimson. I stood up, and Link helped the horses while Zelda kept to herself.

"Ready to go?" Riju asked, and I sent her a questioning glance. "You know, to rule your kingdom?" she suggested, and I sagged slightly. Oh.
I have to go back to the dessert and rot on a throne. I nodded somberly, and I got on my horse, waving Link and Zelda a goodbye. I then led the Gerudo for a week back to their hometown.

By the time we had gotten back, I was entirely exhausted, and asleep on my horse.
Some were convinced that I was half dead.
Unfortunately, that was not the case, and I was set into a real bed, horse in a stable.

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