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Apparently, the title Cheif is lower than King. The Gerudo have learnt the headdress' legend, so when they all saw Y/n wearing it, Y/n was automatically their new ruler.
"W-what-? R-riju?!" He stuttered, and I watched as Riju stood up before explaining it to him. I watched as Y/n's face morphed into horror, him squeaking, "I am no ruler!"

Riju offered him an eyeroll, "Nor am I, and I took up the job. You slipped past when you were declared Urbosa's child, and me your great-great grandaughter. I still don't even know how that works." You guessed jokingly, "Time travel?" Riju mumbled, "Possibly..."

Y/n was shoved onto the throne, and me into a changing room, her shouting, "Get in that NORMAL BLUE TUNIC, I hate seeing that ugly, abless chest of yours!"
I could tell she was joking, so I shouted back, "Not my fault you keep looking there!" All three of us laughed, and a fourth if you include Riju's former bodyguard.

When I came out, Y/n was fumbling with his fingers, looking at his lap. He didn't really have much to do, now that he was suddenly king. He jumped up and asked Riju, "Can I have this copied? I don't want a weathered version on my shelf."
She nodded, and was going to take the crown, but he slapped her hand, saying, "Dangerous. No touch. Zap commoner's lifeforce, you deserve a longer life."


You walked with her to the jeweler's, asking the person who made stuff if you could have it copied. She said that the stone on the crown was called a secret stone and was the source of your magic.
Of course, this wasn't true (you were a god) but you guessed it helped you harness your energy to use easier. So, you asked her to recreate the body of the jewelry without the gem.

When you left, you fell to your knees, caught by another vision.


Multiple timelines, several headresses. There'll be another, just not repaired. Probably older. Don't worry, my child. Everything will be set up for your greatness.


You were trembling. You stumbled out of Gerudo town and into the dessert. You didn't know why, but you decided to walk to the Yiga hideout. Defeat pests that have been messing with your town? Maybe.
Then, as heat exhaustion kicked in, you passed out on burning sand, not aware of a pair of red-gloved hands catching you and taking you the rest of the way, careful not to wake you up or put you in discomfort.

An hour or two later, your eyes fluttered open, and you were met with a sight of a Yiga member watching you from a foot or two away.
You sat up abruptly, and the Yiga (who was female) went on about how she was grateful to have the descendant of the 'great one' complete his work.

There was a shine of hope for the clan. It's possible, because they think you rule them, that you could try and sort out what's been going on with them in the Sheikahs, and see if there is any way to mend the damage and fix them from being evil.
You wanted to start slow, so you decided to ask how you had gotten there. She happily replied that she had carried you all the way from Gerudo town once you passed out outside.

You thanked her and felt your head. "Where's my crown?!" you question in panic.
In confusion, she points to a velvet pillow in the center of the room, "There, why?" You ask frantically, "Who took it off?"
She shrugged, "Dunno. I can help you find them if you want, master." You stiffened but didn't refuse the title.

That was when you teleported in red/golden light into the Yiga's infirmary unintentionally.

"Who took my crown off?!" You shouted, and they pointed to a Yiga, sick on a recovery cot. You ran to their side, almost like a loving father caring for a child.
You didn't know where all the sympathy and parental love came from, but you decided to embrace it. When the Yiga realized that their friend wasn't in trouble, they seemed to calm down.

"Nobody can touch it but me. It has awful, destructive purposes, and when touched, it can drain the victim until there's nothing left. I know how to heal it, but I was worried when it wasn't on my head."
You explained, taking of the Yiga's gloves and started rubbing your hands together to make friction, in result, warming up your magic. You realized in the dessert, your powers overheated because they were powered by inner and outer warmth.

Then, you sandwiched one of the Yiga's hands between your own and started focusing on healing. You were completely improvising at this point, anything to save another.
Your eyes glowed gold, your hands slowly covering themselves in gloom that had come from the Yiga. The gloom stuck to you but absorbed into the Yiga.
You realized that gloom is only harmful if it gets into your bloodstream. It sorta has this same effect with gloom-covered monsters (which you had never encountered but read about their existence in books).

When you felt as though you got all the gloom, you ordered the member to rest for a day or two, then report back to him.
Then, you explained that not only were you a descendant of Gannon, but also the King of Gerudo town, and that if they were disguised and didn't cause trouble, they could come.
If they got caught, there was nothing you could do, though.

Then, you left. When you came back, the whole town was haywire, and you were picked up and held over some ladie's head, her shouting: "I FOUND OUR KING!!" and you were put back on your throne, and chaos settled down.
"Hey..." a small voice called, and you saw a hylian girl at the entrance. It was the female Yiga from before. "Hi! How are you?" you asked, and she muttered shyly (probably not wanting to break character), "Y-you forgot to grab it as you left." You took it and thanked her.

Just then, Link burst through the nonexistent door, shouting, "LOVE?!" You laughed, and the Yiga VERY confused. "Yes, darling? I thought you calmed down with the crowd."
The Yiga walked up to you and whispered, "Can. I. Kill. HIM?." You laughed, "No, he's an ally who doesn't know. Clueless, right?" Link pouted, "What do you mean, clueless?!"

Friendly banter proceeded with three, completely pushing aside the fact that everywhere else around them was dead silent.

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