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"Now that I've recovered slightly, can we set off for kakariko to see if Link and Zelda are okay? I've been gone too long." I asked, and Riju nodded, "Yeah! The trip will be fun!" as if fun was accurate.
Actually, getting sand seals was easy. The harder part was hoaxing a horse. Riju had never done so before, because they never wandered into the dessert.
She had never even seen one before (that means at one point, she mistook one for a monster and attacked it), so this was an all-new experience for her.

I huffed as I snuck up on a blue-ish horse, and when I got on, he/she started to buck furiously. I managed to calm her/him down rather quickly, as she/he somehow tired out before I did.
I made it trot over to Riju, and she stared at him/her, mouth agape. I motioned her to get on, and after a struggle or two, she managed to get on, wrapping her arms around my waist.

We rode the rest of the way, Riju constantly asking questions about the land and anything else that wasn't dessert.
When we made it to kakariko, I was pleased to find Link out front, eating an apple like no tomorrow.

When he spotted me, he practically dropped his snack to come and give me a death-bringing hug. "L-link!" I laughed with the remaining air in my lungs, "C-can't brea-" he let go instantly, apologizing like crazy.
I just stretched and told him that he had a strong grip (witch he did, although I'm guessing it was from his sword practice he does on his downtime, cutting grass and expecting to find money on the ground), before asking where Zelda was.

He dropped his smile and whispered, "I don't think she likes me..." all I could offer was a shrug. Then, Link noticed Riju. "Hey!" He greeted. Riju blinked. Even though she had heard him speak before, it was odd to see him that emotional, and normal.
You giggled and asked, "I'm taking Riju a trip around the world while we try and figure out where all our people went. What have you been up to?" Link shrugged, "Zelda and I have to go to hyrule castle and see how worn it is from 100 years calamity damage. You can join if you want." I nodded.

I followed Link to a mini stable (they have it in Hateno, therefore, if I didn't see it, they have it in Kakariko) to let my horse rest, then I followed him (Riju curiously staring at a cucco behind me) to Impa's house.
Then, I heard screaming. I turned to see a furious cucco pecking at Riju's forehead angerly. I dragged her into the house before more could come and dive-bomb her.

"Don't hit those, they don't like it." I grumbled, and she scoffed, "Useful info AFTER bad things happen. That's definitely going to help!!" Zelda was sitting on a cushion on the ground, staring blankly at the painting of ruined guardians.
"Zelda?" I called, and she jumped to her feet, hands up, startled. When she realized it was me, she sent me a glare before looking at Impa, who had cleared her throat for attention.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Impa asked, and I explained, not questioning how I knew, "All of the Gerudo disappeared.
I even went into the depths looking for them, but no clues and no signs." Zelda sassed, "How could you lose a whole race- wait... Depths? Like the ones in the books?"

Ignoring Zelda's rude (and VERY hurtful) comment, I repled, "Yeah? It was just really dark. I was the only one with decent sight. I managed to find the leader of the Yiga clan, Kohga down there. Can't help but to feel bad for him."
I saw Link in the corner of my eye hide a snigger, probably because he was the one to put him there. It also could've been the way Impa was staring at me like a two-headed cucco.

"Maybe you should go check the damage at the castle?" She asks, unsure of what task to assign. I say, "Yeah. Link talked about that earlier. It could clear our heads."
Impa's confused voice rang through the house like an alarm: "Our?" I turned around, and when I didn't see Riju, I cursed.

I kicked open the door, only to find her laying down at the bottom of the stairs. I jumped down the flight (two at a time) and held out my hand.
"Take it idiot. Stay with me!" She took it and mumbled sourly (although I couldn't exactly hear until I recalled it moments later), "I was outside. You didn't have to kick the door down!"

I introduced her to Impa, and then, we were tasked with getting to Hyrule fields (to walk inside). I was thankful that Link just teleported us to the nearest stable, because I was able to register my horse and ask if they could bring it to the current stable, so I knew that he/she was safe.
Then, we walked to the castle. Link was silent most of the way, his face remained emotionless as I winced with the chest pain. Only then did his glance soften; and he gave me a look of concern. I waved it back, and when Zelda looked, all she could see was the same expression as before.

I caught sight of a tent. I didn't have the map, and didn't want to ask Link for it, so I figured that it would be in my best interest to ask directions.

When I (somehow) knocked on the tent door, I saw someone I didn't think I'd see:
 Malena (That one Gerudo who needed the Molduga guts to heal her husband).

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