The Final.

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(Not mine, and not in the 'Growing up Gerudo' AU. Just found it and liked it, I mean, who can blame me?? It's good art!)


I almost tripped over Y/n as I walked into his room. I giggled; he had fallen from his bed onto the floor and didn't wake up. Lucky.
I'm a light sleeper, so the slightest noise like a cricket outside wakes me up like a nightmare would a child (even though I am a child).

At this point, I felt like an adult, except shorter and less respected. That was to be expected, and although I wish I could change that, there was nothing I could do.
Now, Y/n was by rights the one to rule Gerudo town. It was tradition to hand over the reign to a male Gerudo (preferably with Gannondorf's crown), and it's not like He (the males inheriting) ever rejected the crown before.

Y/n was different, and I missed sitting in my throne. It was odd, being able to walk past it like I had never touched it; like I was a normal person.
It just didn't feel right. Nobody listened to me anymore, because they all listened to Y/n. It's not like I was jealous, but I did miss my job.

I could practically see in his eyes that he was uncomfortable, but it wasn't like he could pass on the crown unless he was- I actually don't know.
Nobody's ever done that before. Gerudo aren't ones to back down, so it's normal. As normal as 'normal' can be, at least.

I held him in my arms, surprised by his lightness as I put him back in bed. "Just for another hour." I mutter to myself, "Maybe I can keep things in check while he's sleeping..." I walked out, stretching and asking for stats of the city.
The bodyguard closest to me raised an eyebrow, "You're not the leader anymore, Riju." she had the audacity to say. I scowled, "Yeah? Well how will our king rule when he's sleeping?! I'm filling in. Again, anything suspicious so far?"

The lady scoffed, "Yeah. Glowing in the library. Go ahead and check it out, I don't care." In a rush of irritation and anger, I walk to the library, ignoring the sarcasticness of her voice.
Want me to go and check out a scarwie light? Okay! I will. Haha, weakling! I was salty and steaming when I got there. I almost unintentionally blinded myself.

I blinked the light out of my eyes for a few moments before managing to get a proper look. A book was glowing. I plucked it off the shelf and opened it to the golden page.
Because of the light, it was hard to read, but I managed a few words, like: Kingshi--- pas-down_//freedo-giv/way_-_--

I couldn't manage much before I had to look away, slamming the book shut. The glowing stopped, but I didn't bother to open the book again.
Instead, I bothered to wake up Y/n. He grumbled, red hair a mess, before grabbing the book and pulling it under the covers with him, the blankets over his head.

"It says that I can pass on my leadership to someone else but still be respected as king. It's like a permanent vacation whilst someone else becomes second in command, taking up the ruling while I go around, and people admire me."
Y/n mumbles from under the covers, and I feel like screaming (I didn't even question how he managed to read the page). "Can you do it?? Please?! I miss my job!" Y/n sits up, holding the book, covers falling off his back. "That also means that we are BOTH respected!! This is amazing!"

He goes up to the dresser near his bed and hands me a circlet, "Originally, I was going to move the stone from the one I was wearing into this one, but I think you should have it. No stone of course, but you get it."
I smiled as he placed it on my head, and I walked away and sat on my throne. That same guard from before came up to me and said, "Again, Riju! It isn't yours!" I point to the crown, then call the other guards. They take her away to prison, where she'll stay there for a week to improve her behavior.

I smile to myself as I watch everyone from the extremely high-chair I sit in.
All is as it should be.


Months go by, and I'm respected, as well as Riju. She never forced any of my 'used to be' duties onto me, only asking for help when she needed it. Of course, I helped to the best of my abilities (which wasn't much). The days started to blur together, and I was starting to get bored.
Nothing in town was interesting, it was just the same. Every day. Riju liked the familiarity, but I love change (In my honest opinion, as long as I'm warned, I'll be decent about it). Otherwise, the world is just too boring.

My ears perk up as I hear screams at the doorway. What was that, and why do they seem angrier then scared? I made my way to the opening in the wall.
I gasp when I find Link in full Gerudo Voe outfit trying to get in.

I walk up to the guards and growl, "Do you not recognize him?" They shake their heads, and I turn to Link,
"Darling, please. Come inside! It is much too hot out there..." Link walks in, smirk on his face. When we make it past the woman, we laugh.

I missed him.
And now, everything was back to normal.
Sorry- better than normal.
And that was the end.

Link pecked me on the cheek, and I pushed his face away jokingly, "Groooossssss!" He laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist, this time, kissing me on the lips. I tugged on one of his sideburns to get him to let go, then ran, yelling, "Catch me if you can, Hero!!"
He chased after me, but I knew every hidden secret in the town. I hopped in the well, letting the river inside take me anywhere. I gasped as I was led to a hole in the ceiling, and using my upper body strength, I pulled myself up. A bunker.

Using the stuff inside, I made a bomb and blew up the stairs.
I explained it to Riju, who lectured me on town safety for an hour and a half after.
I could see Link in the corner of my eye hiding behind a wall, laughing.
I scowled. Stupid jerk. Oh, how I love him so.

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