Chapter five:

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Eggsy and Harry where already parked outside of the hotel when we arrived. I got out as Jack strode up to them. God what was with him? It's like he couldn't walk anywhere without doing his damn cowboy strut. I looked up at the hotel. It was pretty fancy and expensive looking, about five stories high.

"Ginger says she booked us two rooms with two beds each. That means Eggsy and Harry will be staying together and.." He turned to me with a little smirk. "You and me will be staying together." I rolled my eyes. "Oh whoopee!" I said sarcastically. "Someone kill me now.." Jack ignored my comment and walked inside. I looked around at the marble floors and crystal chandelier, as well as the leather couches and beautiful mahogany wood tables. I noticed a big window that looked into a room with a massive pool and hot tub. I grinned. "Wicked.."

Jack got our room keys and we took the elevator up to the third floor. Our rooms where right next to each other. Eggsy and Harry disappeared into their room as Jack scanned the key card and opened ours. It was a big room with lots of space. There was a beautiful bathroom loaded with different soaps and skin care products, and one of those beautiful waterfall showers. The kitchen was big for a hotel room, and had an oven, microwave, and mini fridge, as well as marble counters and an island in the middle of the flooring. The living room had a big couch and a love seat, as well as a flat screen tv overtop the fireplace, there was also a sheepskin rug placed near it.

There was a door to the bedroom that was already open. Inside was a big closet, a desk, a tv, and...

One bed?

My heart dropped. There was supposed to be two beds per room, at least that's what Jack said. Jack seemed to notice and chuckled. "Huh... Maybe they made a mistake?" He suggests. "They must have.. Call the lobby and tell them we're in the wrong room." I sigh. Jack picks up the phone which is sitting on one of the two bedside tables.

After a minute or so Jack came back to me with a smirk. "No mistake here. They said this is the room we booked, and there's no refunds." I felt myself go pale. "No... There has to be a mistake!" I sputter. Jack shakes his head and chuckles. "I'm sorry darling but there's nothing I can do!"

I groan and grab my phone to call Ginger, stomping off to the bathroom for some privacy. I angrily dial her number and wait for an answer.

"Hey! What's up?" Ginger says as she picks up the phone. "Ginger!! Did you only get one bed for the room me and Jack have to share?!" There's silence on her end... "Nooo..." I tossed my head back and groaned once more. "Are you serious?!" "Listen! My charts say that in the past day, your heart rate has been going up 10% every time your around Whiskey. It's not my fault I'm trying to make things work for you two!"

I sigh and shake my head. "What the hell do you mean make things work?! I don't like him!" I think for a moment before adding. "Wait, you can track my heart rate?" "Yeah, I can track all the agents heart rates. It's a safety thing.. You know, his heart rate goes up by 30% when he's near you!" She explains with a giggle. I groan again. "Whatever. But I don't like him.. And your insane if you think otherwise." I say. "Goodbye."

Before I hang up I hear Ginger yell. "You can't fight love (Y/n)!!" I shake my head as I leave the bathroom. Jacks leaning against the door frame, looking down at me, a towel hung over his shoulder. "You done? I wanna take a shower." He says. I roll my eyes and push past him. "Fine. Go take a damn shower. You smell like sweat anyways." I grumble. Jack chuckles as he steps into the bathroom and closes the door. I sit down on the couch and flip through the tv channels as I hear the water start up. There's nothing good on tv..

I lay back and stare at the ceiling before closing my eyes for a moment. I feel my mind slowly starting to drift as I wander into a daydream. An imagine creeps into my mind. It's of a man in a hot shower, steam is fogging up the mirror, his eyes are closed, his dark eyelashes resting on his cheeks as he rakes his fingers through his dripping brown hair, foamy soap is running down his broad form... He's got soft plump lips and tanned skin, as well as perfect side burns and the most beautiful, well kept moustache... Its..


My eyes shoot open as I dart upwards. My face is burning red and hot and my eyes are wide as two dinner plates. "What the hell am I thinking?!" I gasp. I sit there for a few moments more, trying to collect what I just thought about before my phone buzzes. It's a text from Ginger...

"Your heart rate just went up 20%... What are you two doing..👀"

I scream and hide my face with a pillow. I can hear the bathroom door click open and Jack comes out in nothing but a towel around his waist, water is still dripping off him. "You alright?" He asks. I stare at him for a moment before throwing the pillow at him. "GET OUT!!"

He catches it and tosses it back to me, chuckling. "Alright alright.. I'll go.." He says as he disappears into the bedroom. I sit and stare at the floor, not knowing what to do. Suddenly I jump as there's a knock at the door. I answer and see Eggsy smiling at me.

"Put your bathing suit on bruv, we're gonna get absolutely wasted by the pool." He says. I smile and turn my head over my shoulder.

"Ay Jack!! Put your swim trunks on!"

Sweet like sugar, smooth like Whiskey Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang