Chapter sixteen:

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It felt as if I had blacked out for a split second before I was suddenly hitting the hard ground below. Wherever we had landed, it was dark. I could barely see my own hand in front of my face as I groaned softly, struggling to get back up onto my feet. I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my ankle. I must have rolled it when I landed..

"Darlin'?" I heard a soft whisper. I sighed in relief. At least I wasn't alone. "Yeah Jack.. I'm here.." I said with a gentle smile. "Oh thank god.. Where are you? I can't see a Damn thing." He said. "Hold on. I'll try and find a light or something." I mumbled as I stuck my hands out in front of me and stumbled around, trying to find some sort of light switch. The room was pretty small and the walls and floor seemed to be made out of concrete. It also had a familiar damp smell, like a dingy old basement. Eventually my hands brushed up against something. A light switch. I flicked it on and there where some sparks for a moment or two before the room finally lit up. Jack stood nearby, giving me a smile.

"There you are! I'm so glad your ok." He said happily as he rushed over to give me a hug. I smiled and hugged him back, hiding my face into the crook of his neck. We both stood there silently for a moment or two before pulling away. "Where's Eggsy and Harry?" I asked, noticing they weren't in the room with us. Jack shrugged. "They must have landed somewhere else when we fell." My brow furrowed. "Oh god.. I hope they're ok.." I said nervously. "I'm sure they're fine doll. We just need to go find em." Jack reassured me as he gave me a gentle Pat on the back. I nodded.

I took a moment to examine the room we where in. It was a little room made of concrete that looked like someone's basement. There was no furniture, and a single flickering old lightbulb in the middle of the room. At the far end of the room there where two metal doors. I went over and gave them a budge. They didn't move.. Of course, we where locked in.

"What now?" Jack asked as I walked over, trying to think of some way to escape. I looked around the room for anything that could help. Then I saw it. There where two metal plates on either wall of the room. "Those look like some sort of air vents." I noted. "If their big enough, we could probably sneak through them." "Good idea." Jack said as he hoisted me up to lift the cover off one of the vents. However after a little bit of tugging and the vent popping off, we discovered that they where not in fact air vents.. there was a loud rumbling coming from inside the small tunnel and suddenly out shot a stream of what smelt like sewage water. The other vent at the opposite side of the room began leaking as well and before we knew it the room was filling up with water.

"Shit!" I cussed as I tried to jam the cover back onto the opening, but it wouldn't work. Jack helped me down as we looked around the room, trying to find anything that could stop the flow of water. Again I banged desperately on the steel doors. They wouldn't budge. The cold water was now up to our ankles and rising fast.

"The door is locked from the outside, and the hinges won't budge." I said, trying to tear off the hinges to the large metal doors. "It's stuck on there tight. There's no way we're going to be able to open that door." Jack said calmly. "Maybe we can find a loose brick or something. Like a secret passage." He suggested as he began running his hands along the walls. All I could hear was the sound of water flooding into the room. It was now up to our knees. Jack seemed to notice my expression going blank as he called out. "(Y/n), I need you to help me find a way out here." He said sternly. "I'm sorry I- can't.." I said breathlessly, my chest starting to tighten up. Out of the few fears I had, drowning was one of them. And now here we where, stuck in some sick and twisted little saw trap with no way out, and sewage water starting to rise up to our hips.

"Yes, you can." Jack said as he trudged over, putting both hands on my shoulders and looking me dead in the eyes. "Because if there's anyone I know who can help us out of here, it's you. If you where able to find that secret door back there, you can find a way out of here." "Technically I didn't find that door." I said quietly. Jack shook his head. "Doesn't matter. What matters is your one of the smartest agents I know. Now snap out of it and help me find a way out of here." He said sternly. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, but I nodded, taking a deep breath as I began to scan the room for any way out. It seemed hopeless, and I couldn't see any loose bricks or hidden doors. But that's when I heard it. Someone was knocking on the door.

"Jack? (Y/n)? Are you in there?!" Someone called out. My heart skipped a beat. It was Eggsy! "Yeah! We're in here! The room is filling up with water. You need to let us out!" I called out. "Hold on, there's some sort of lock on the door. I'm going to try and pick it!" Eggsy said as I could hear him start to fiddle with the lock on the door. The water had now risen up to the point where we where floating, our heads just barely above the water. "Hurry!" I called out, feeling the water start to rise above our necks. Jack gasped for air as he gave me a warm smile. "You might want to hold your breath.." He half laughed. I smiled, despite the crushing panic I felt in my chest. He was right. We where going under any moment now.

"I love you (Y/n).. Just in case we don't get out in time. I want you to know that. I promise I'll be the first to find you in the after life.." Jack said. "We're going to make it Jack.." I tried to convince not only him, but myself. "But.. I- love you too.." I said weakly as we both took in one last gulp of air and went under the water. It only took a few minutes before I could feel my consciousness slipping and a burning feeling in my lungs. This was it. We where drowning. Then, just as my vision started to fade, I could hear the muffled sound of the door opening and water pouring out of the room.

We where freed..

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