18) A kiss before lying

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Ava, Aria, Emily, and Caleb were watching the video that Caleb found on the laptop. "Turn the volume up" Aria said.

"Can you make the view full screen" Emily asked. "Maybe make it lighter the picture seems really dark" Spencer said. "Okay guys stop he's doing the best he can" Ava said.

"Alright that's it I've officially stopped taking requests" Caleb said and they got closer to the screen except for Ava.

"Guys you're a little close" Ava said. "Can you guys back up a little bit" Caleb asked. "We're not even standing that close to you" Spencer said.

"Really then how do I know you had a cheeseburger for lunch" Caleb asked and they backed up some. "Um haven't we already seen this before" Aria asked.

"Uh yeah but look here" Caleb said. "It's the box Jason gave me of Ali's" Aria said.

"I still can't see what's inside of it though" Spencer said. "Just give me a second" Caleb said and a phone started ringing. "Bet you its Hanna" Ava said. "It's Hanna" Emily said ignoring it.

"Told you" Ava said and quickly ignored Hanna's call before it rung. "Um we may be able to get a clear shot if I" Caleb said and Aria's phone rang.

"It's Hanna" Aria said and ignored it. "If I play it out frame by frame" Caleb said and his phone rang. "Okay this is getting ridiculous" Ava said.

Caleb ignored Hanna's call. "Uh I can maybe blow up the image but then" Caleb said and Spencer's phone rang, and she grabbed it.

"Guess we know, who's low man on the totem pole yeah I can't take this anymore" Spencer said and walked away a bit answering the call. "Hey Hanna" Spencer said over the phone.

"Hey Spencer, what are you up to" Hanna asked. "Not much" Spencer said.

"Oh, well great do you wanna watch a movie" Hanna asked. "Uh" Spencer said.

"Oh, come on I'll even watch one of those artsy foreign ones you like where all they do is stare out windows" Hanna said.

"I'm sorry Han I really can't right now I'm just with my family and" Spencer said when a glass broke. "Emily" Aria said. "You guys shut up sorry Hanna I really have to go" Spencer said.

"Uh yeah, yeah sure I get it say hi to your family for me" Hanna said and hung up. "There's no way she didn't hear you" Ava told Aria. "You, kidding me" Spencer said.

"I'm sorry she was" Aria said once Spencer went back over to them. "Hey ladies" Caleb said showing them what he got on the laptop.

"Is that a driver's license" Spencer asked. "Yeah" Caleb said zooming in. "Is that Melissa" Emily asked. "I don't know could be Jenna it's just kinda hard to tell" Aria said.

"Hold on" Caleb said zooming in and clearing it up. "It's Ali" Spencer said. "Yeah, is recognize her anywhere" Ava said.

"But Ali already had a fake ID" Emily said. "And it definitely wasn't this one" Aria said. "Why would she need an ID that didn't even look like her" Spencer asked.


"God it's so weird seeing Ali with dark hair" Spencer said. "And it's weird that I'm a DiLaurentis your point" Ava said.

"I can't even look at that anymore" Spencer said ignoring Ava's comment. "Sorry guys I gotta go I'm meeting up with Maya, but I'll see you tomorrow" Emily said. "Bye Em" Spencer said.

"Bye" Aria and Ava said. Aria and Ava went to leave when Spencer stopped them. "Wait do you two have to go too" Spencer asked.

"I was hoping, you both could sleep over I thought maybe we all could use the company" Spencer said. "I'd like that, but I already made plans with Holden" Aria said.

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