Prompt 31: What Color do you Feel Like Today?

194 10 4

Elrond rubbed his eyes, yawning, as he rolled out of bed. It was still early in the morning and the sun was barely rising above the horizon. There was a thick mist over the valley as he walked over to the doors to the balcony. Throwing them open he found himself met instantly with the low clouds.

Everything is grey. This city looks grey, the sky looks grey, the mountains are grey... Elrond sighed, rubbing his forearm. I'm grey. He yawned again, more tired than usual. Elrond had stayed up for most of the night, trying to finish as much work as he possibly could that night so could go out and look for athalas the next day. Wonderful. I should have saved my work for today and gone out riding yesterday. Just my luck I suppose.

He turned away from the outside and went back into his rooms, planning to get dressed and go riding anyways. I did earn it, if it's foggy or not. Elrond looked back out at the morning outside again and wondered if he should wait until later. Nah, he wrinkled his nose, it get's too hot in the afternoon.

The Peredhil changed out of his sleeping clothes and into something more suitable for riding. It' s hard to ride in robes... He looked around in his closet for what he needed, finally settling on black breeches and a long tunic. The Lord rolled his eyes at his own clothing selection,  ...I need to remember that. Oddly enough, the tunic was dark grey.

Wonderful, I'll blend in with the clouds. Elrond snorted and slipped on the clothes anyway, brushing off the grey tunic. At least that way when people come looking for me, I can hide. Elrond grabbed his boots from the side of his bed and sat down. I wish.

Lacing them back up get got to his feet and looked around the room to make sure that everything was in order. Oh, maybe I should shut the door to the balcony. "Brilliant Elrond." He muttered to himself. "Just brilliant as usual." He shut the doors and locked them while he watched the low clouds shift their positions slightly in the valley only half an hour away. He smiled slightly, looking over the forest

Perhaps this is just what I need this morning. The chance to get lost in the woods. Elrond chuckled,

I'll tell Glorfindel on my way out.


Well, that's a thing. 

*looks up at last sentance**blushes* I know what I said about Glorfindel, but it just so easy for me to write about him! Besides! Who else to tell to look for you if you think you're going to go missing!? (As a joke) Not Erestor, not Lindir, how about the man with the patrols.... Oh yeah.... That's a great idea!

Sorry, I should probably stop. I guess I just felt like it needed to be felt. Sense I ship those two I feel like I have to justify using the both of them in a non-romantic setting. So, sorry again.

OH! And while we're on that topic, I'm also sorry that this didn't come out faster. I don't know if I wrote anything about it, maybe in "My Champion" but not here, but my sister was in town for the last week and she likes to spend her time staying up late playing the 3ds and board games. It was a lot of fun sitting up and playing games with her since I don't see her very often. So, sorry I didn't update, but things should be coming out much fast after this week. =3

And, 1.8k views!!!! *head explodes* Wow, just wow. Thank you guys so much! It means a lot to me, and it really does help keep me motivated to write, knowing that there are people out there who actually like to read what I write. I am beyond flattered, everyone. <3

*flops down on bed* Now I'm really tired... I'm gonna try to go to sleep now.



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