13. Team Sport

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Viserys was easy to love. Regina adored him. For a king he liked the simple things. Viserys took her to the water. A little ship waiting for them.

"You fish. Aegon and I will sun." Regina mused. Viserys kissed her cheek.

"You know for years I thought I would get to be a fat lord at dragonstone." Viserys remarked. "Fishing and reading my histories... I never thought to have a castle and kindgoms. A beautiful wife whom my life has become worth living again for." Regina put a hand on her heart.

"You gave me everything I ever wanted when you choose me. You gave me everything again when I gave birth to Aegon." Regina declared. "Oh Viserys-" she wrapped her arms around him kissing him. "Come on lets go before I start crying."  Viserys nodded. He offered his arm as they headed onto the ship. They pushed from the shores and headed out.

Aegon babbled and babbled happily. Regina kicked her shoes off and let her feet kick along the waters surface.

When they got back Viserys wanted to catch their supper. Regina laughed out but said she wanted to help. 

Fly fishing wasnt as fun as it sounded, Regina decided once her rod got stuck for the third time. 

"Honey I"m not good at this." Regina deduced.

"No, no!" Aegon declared from the shores. 

"Thank you for the motivation honey." Regina mused. 

"Love ooou!" Aegon shouted. 

"I love you!" REgina pointed a finger back at him. "I dont love fishing, how did you catch anything? I keep catching rocks." Regina remarked looking to Viserys little pile. 

"Why don't you try my rod right here?" Viserys suggested and Regina put hers down. "Here we go. Now, take the rod in your right hand."

"Like this...?" Regina adjusted her grip.

"Uh, no." Viserys countered he demonstrated on the air as if he was holding a pole and she readjusted again. "No.... Uh, you gotta hold it a little more, um... Up here, like this?" Regina chuckled. She kept trying to copy him but it wasnt quite what he was doing. "Kinda, put the, turn your, oh, what the hell, here." He wrapped his arms around her his hand on top of hers. 

"I like this." Regina assured. "You should have started like this." Viserys chuckled kissing along her neck. 

"Okay, right over this way. There you go." He adjusted her grip kissing her cheek she bumped her hips back into him. 

"I didn't know fishing was a team sport." Regina teased.

"Me neither." Viserys admitted happily. "Okay, now, what we wanna do, get your line wet a little bit there. And back and forth. Now strip a little bit out at the same time." He helped her with the pole as he spoke. "You pick a spot in the water and drop it right there." Regina did as instructed with a little laugh as it landed.

"Perfect aim." Viserys declared. "Now strip the line in as it goes down the river."

"Strip the line? Oh scandalous!" Regina mused. "Alright I got it, I got it I joke." SHe agreed watching him.

"Strip it in, follow the line down with the tip of your rod, and... There we go." Viserys declared keeping his arms around her. She sighed it was peaceful, the waves rocking gently against them, Aegon having an in depth conversation with himself or an invisible friend Regina didnt know about but who was she to judge she talked to mirrors. Magical mirrors but still. 

"Okay, I'm fishing." Regina agreed, giddy. 

"You are fishing." Viserys agreed feeling her relax into him.

"This is really nice VIserys, today was kind of the perfect day." Regina admitted. "Just the three of us." No Rhaenyra, no small council, no nosy mirrors that already knew what she would be up to before she told the mirror anything. Just the three of them just how it should be. 

"Just the three of us." Viserys agreed. "I'm glad, I'm really glad we did this Regina." She turned kissing him and felt her rod snag and turned back around giving it another pull. 

"Uh-oh." Regina whispered. "What's happening? ls it stuck? Oh, it's stuck again." Regina deflated clearly annoyed and discouraged. Viserys however chuckled. "It's not funny I was trying really hard to impress you!!" Regina corrected. 

"No, honey you did impress me." Viserys assured.  "Its not stuck. You just caught yourself a fish." Viserys corrected.

"Oh, really?" Regina squealed.

"Yes, you did."

"Did l?" She couldnt believe it.

"Yeah." Viserys agreed. 

"Ah." She squealed out.

"Okay, there you go. Reel it in."

Regina held up her prize victoriously and Aegon clapped from the shores. 

"Thank you mr no faith in your mama," Regina mused. "Look my fish!" 

"You fish!" Aegon agreed. 

"Thank you Viserys." Regina declared. 

"You want to try by yourself?" Viserys mused. 

"Nonsense, fishing is a team sport now." 

Mirror, Mirror /  Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now