24. You Fool

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The mirror promised a second son. Rhaenyra left and regina wanted to woe viserys but she needed this baby out she need it to be another boy. She knew hiw much viserys was struggling with rhaenyra and regina wanted to please him. So the mirror had to be right again.

But if the mirror was right again then Regina would really have to consider the fact that she was right about Regina's own downfall. Right about rhaenyra. Right about everything. If she could predict some thing, so exquisite and modern as the gender of the baby without ever laying hand on Regina. Regina worried more and more as she got closer and closer to her due date that this child was going to be a boy, she would lose both of her children.

Viserys celebrated when Regina gave birth. All seven of the realms celebrated. Regina stayed away from her own chambers for a few days she didnt want to deal with the mirror's prophecy just yet like she knew the mirror would. She cradled her son. Olyver Targaryen close. He seemed to smile up at her.

Viserys was overjoyed. Aegon didnt care much for him. Otto thought it was a sign. Two sons. Two.

Viserys kissed regina and she didnt want to worry about anything else. She loved this moment of peace.

"You are the best thing to ever happen to me Regina." Viserys said as he wrapped his arms around her. She breathed him in and believed him when he said it. She saw forever. The two of them and their two beautiful baby boys.

"Where have you been?" The mirror demanded.

"You are the fortuneteller shouldn't you know?" Regina countered.

"You have another son, do you believe me now?" The mirror demanded.

"Olyver," Regina coed. "I named him Olyver."

"Thats nice." The mirror answered bored. "YOu need to deal with Rhaenyra."

"No. I need to soend time with Olyver. Rhaenyra is far away. Lets ignore her while shes gone." Regina suggested very chipper. "Im in such a good mood to talk about death right and mayhem right now." Regina begged. "Please. Let me enjoy my son."

"If she lives you wint be enjoying them for long." The mirror demanded rattling the walls as she slammed a hand against the mirror.

"Olyver its okay. She didnt mean to scare you," regina coed bouncing him in her arms.

"Yes I did." The mirror warned. "The only way he survives this messed up cruel world is if she dies!"

"Stop shouting!" Regina demanded as she headed out. "Its okay Olyver. Mamas got you baby." The mirror scoffed shaking her head.

"When prince daemon returns it is the beginning of the end." The mirror warned.

"Prince daemon hasn't been seen or heard from in years." Regina reminded her. " you are worried about the distant future when I am worried about now, the present."

"You fool. You need the last of them dead and gone... it is the only way." The mirror hissed out.

'Send word to the harbor and have Captain Oswin ready the ship.' Rhaenyra said as they walked.

'Princess, we're due in Bitter bridge in three days' time.' Cole corrected

'I would happily row myself back to King's Landing if it brought an end to this ridiculous pageant.' Rhaenyra told him. Bracken grunted, falling to the ground, the child Boremund had taken him down.

'Don't look, Princess.' Cole said leading her outside.

Regina was happy she was gone. She was supposed to be gone a few more moons. What a glorious thing it would be. Moons to enjoy her sons and rhaenyra far away from her mind.

" you look so beautiful." Viserys remarked. Regina smiled back at him as olyver suckled at her teat.

"Thats just because im exposed." Regina mused. He kissed her neck.

"That might be an addition to your beauty." Viserys agreed. She handed off Olyver as Aegon ran up with all the courage and strength, a two year-old could muster and pulled himself into Reginas lap.

"Hi baby," regina coed kissing Aegon. "I missed you. Were you taking a nap?" Regina looked to alicent at the door. "Thank you for taking such good care of him while I was tending to olyver. You are such a blessing, my dear niece." Alicent smiled back at them before giving her very best curtsy and heading back out. She loved her aunt Regina. She loved her nephews. She was so glad that she didn't have to get married and have children of her own yet. She knew that rhaenyra was going on a royal tour that dozens hundreds of men were offering themselves up to her for the possibility of marriage.

Alicent didn't want to get married yet, but the thought of all the suitors wanting her she would've felt like a princess. But being the queen's niece made her feel like a princess to.

"Alicent is such a sweet girl the boys love her." Viserys remarked.

" she has always been a sweetheart. She's the baby of the family, so I think she likes being able to baby someone else."' Regina agreed.

"I know she is close to rhaenyra..."

" yes I love their friendship. My alicent would've been over joyed to go on a royal tour I believe. Rhaenyra Health, such a better anger towards the idea even though it's her choice and who she chooses, it's a real shame. She seems to constantly want to make your life more difficult." She could still bond, and spend time with her sons and her husband, while simultaneously agreeing to the mirrors wishes and slowly ruining rhaenyra in viserys mind.

" she enjoys being a thorn in my side as much as Daemon does." Viserys agreed. " I am glad she's gone for a few moons gives me some peace of mind." he admitted.

'We should make landfall inside the hour, Princess.' Cole told her as they sailed

'How do you think he will take it?' Rhaenyra questioned looking out at the castle in the distance.

'Do you speak of how you rejected every suitor His Grace put before you, or how you abruptly ended the tour with two months remaining?' Cole mused but a dragon shrieking and rumbling caught their attention. Caraxes flew overhead, rocking the ship.

'Take cover!'

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