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"You'll be perfect for the one who deserves you." r.h. Sin

A/N: I just wanted to give y'all a better look at how far her vitiligo is for the character.



I waited in my room after I finished cleaning the house and... well myself.

I'm sleepy and tired of the moaning and groaning coming from their bedroom. I guess since those men aren't coming for my mother, he can take the time to enjoy her.

It's not that often he isn't hitting or screaming at her for not pleasuring him correctly like she does it for others.

If he hated it so much how much pleasure other men received from her then why would he allow such things to happen?

More importanly why do I have to now complete the task?

Why can't he just pick his family for once.

"CARYS!!" I jumped at his voice, quickly standing up and walking to their bedroom door.

"Y- yes sir." I responded.

"Get ready, they'll be here in a few minutes." he said as I could hear him shuffling around he room. All of a sudden the door opens and I can see my mom sprawled out on the bed.

Passed out.

"Is, is she-" he cut me off slamming the door shut. "She's fine, lets go!" His breath reeked of alcohol and God knows what else.

Grabbing my arm as tight as he could, he brought me downstairs to the all familiar bedroom in the back. I knew it all to well, I cleaned that room every night before and after those men left.

I hated the room that claimed my mothers screams and cries and now this same room was going to claim mines next.

My father dragged me to the foot of the bed and looked me over, he had to make sure my identity was never to be seen until after they've had their fun with me.

I'd pay off his debt for that night and all will be well, for him at least.

I was scared shitless for whats about to happen. Is he really about to allow this to happen to me, his only daughter? over some drugs.

A while ago when the bullying really took a toll on me my father took me to the store to buy makeup to help hide my skin condition. I thought it seemed silly but since he didn't want to see it and apparently no one else did either. I figured why not.

My mother was the only one then that told me how beautiful I was and that I should find a way to embrace my skin and be happy.

Now I don't hear it as much, well except form them. I smiled a small smile a the thought only to quickly put it in the back of my mind. I can't think about them right now. I have to focus. I start to tear up trying to prepare myself, "how did mama do this?" I questioned trying to understand how anyone could bare doing this. I mean I don't blame her, she has so much to worry about with my father. I guess in a way she shielded me so long for whats about to happen tonight.

For so long she took the brunt of dads beatings and torture, she was raped countless of times because of his misfortunes and recklessness.

He blamed everyone for his dumbass actions and unfortunate mistakes. Everyone but himself and we were always the ones to clean up his mess.

Like tonight, its my turn! its my chance to protect my mom, even if it means I have to give myself up for it to happen.

For her, I'd do it every chance I got.

His phone ranged breaking me out of my thoughts. He turned away answering whoever it was and then hung up.

"Hmm put this on and don't take it off! You understand me, and don't talk unless they tell you to. You do whatever they ask you to do." he stated handing me a blindfold.

I looked at my hands and feet one more time before taking a deep breath putting the blindfold on and sitting on the bed. I covered my hands and feet in foundation and powder and made sure to set it so that it would dry and not come off with the simplest touch or unfortunately sweat.

I dolled myself up but it seems to have been a waste considering the blindfold but at least they won't see my imperfections. They'll see a smooth face with a light touch of blush, they see my luscious lips the same soft brown color of my skin coated in lipgloss.

They'll see a me I only wished was me.

Now I wait, I grip the blanket on the bed as I hear the door open and the loud laughter and grunts from several men that's enter my home.

My heartbeat picks up as I hear my father tell them I'm in the bedroom waiting. "She's all yours gentlemen!" he encourages.

I feel so disgusted and heartbroken.

Why? huh! why do this.

I shiver as I hear their footsteps near the room, each step gets louder and louder in my ears as I squeeze the blanket tighter in my hand. Tears fall down my face escaping the blindfold as the door opens and in walks in I don't know how many men.

"Don't cry sunshine." A deep voice says and I jump back as he wipes a tear away.

"Fuck I can't do this!" I think to myself trying to scoot away.

"Come here baby." Another says his voice is a bit softer but still deep. His touch was soft but rough as he pulled me by my legs to the edge of the bed again.

"Pl- please don't do this" I whimper as one man pushes me to lays back on the bed while another takes my underwear off.

I cry harder.

A firm slap was what I then felt "either you shut up or we'll give you something to really cry about." The first one spoke wrapping his hand around my throat squeezing with enough pressure to make my wince.

I shook my head as best as I could and allowed them to continue their assault on me. I mean there is nothing I could possibly do to defend myself. So I muster up the best happy place I could possibly think of and try to block them out.

They'll be quick and it'll be over soon.



A/N - This was hard to write, my head hurts!! 😭

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