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Your love is infinite, find someone who understand this. - r.h. Sin

It felt like hours had passed since the earth shattering news. It was as if everyone in the room didn't move an inch, you could hear a pin drop at how silent it was.

"I- I don't understand." Carter looked up his eyes welling with tears. "Wh- why, how?" He kept going as he felt Carys move him closer between her legs for comfort.

"Bria and her boyfriend were going to leave and raise you in a better life but they had no choice. When our father found out she was pregnant he knew they would try to leave so he killed him and sent her to get an abortion.

He didn't know how far along she was and but by that time she was already 5 month so she faked getting one before he sent her away for a trip to clear her mind and get rid of the baby weight before returning. She had already knew of our mother and sought out to find her but instead found me and once we told each other everything and spent time together it was as if we knew each other all along I mean we practically did as twins." Aria chucked at the horrible story.

"There was no way to keep you all safe without keeping you a secret from them and their enemies. No one know of any of us except Bria and her most trusted second in command Gus, but now it seems as though your father Carys is now in his place." Aria explained further and further trying to get them all to understand why it was kept a secret for so long even from them.

"So we were just gonna keep living this lie as long as you could huh? It was working until she decided to finally meet us in person, why now?" Nathan said anger lacing his words as he looked his parents in the eyes.

"She's always kept tabs on you growing up that's how she knew you were always safe. Why now I don't really know, I mean why did she remove Gus of all people and take Marcus is beyond me because Maria isn't stable.
All that matters now is that you all are safe and the police isn't doing damn thing to help so we need a plan cause they won't continue to wait." Aria spoke up saying what they all needed to hear no matter how much it hurts.

She was right though, Marcus and Bria sacrificed a lot coming out into the open the way that they did and now that they did it there wasn't no time going back. Everyone knows there here and that they are after something. Bria did the smartest thing by covering up as she met the boys and not necessarily causing a scene.

She doesn't have to worry of her enemies at this point but the more they try to dog and watch her groups movements the sooner they'd find out.

It wasn't the best idea to burn Aria place down but because of that no files or information is now obtainable on her family. Not that Aria kept anything confidential there she had photos and personal items there that can lead to the family.

But that's all gone now.


1 week later

Its been an uneasy feeling since the news broke out which is as expected considering the aspect of the news. No one is speaking to one anther except the boys talking to Carys, that's pretty much all that they are doing is talking an staying around her all day.

Avoiding their parents is their best option, they understand what happened and how it came about but its the fact that this was going to be that way for the rest of their lives, no one expected Bria to all of a sudden want to come out in the open because of how much she stated that no one could ever know of the relationship between them all.

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