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"You're not obligated to stay where you're unhappy." r.h. Sin


It was now the weekend so no one had to worry about her attending school after the few days she has already missed.

Carys was finally asleep after talking and watching tv together for a couple of hours. Celeste slid out of the bed and made sure Carys was sound asleep and under he blankets.

Rushing to her room she slid on some jeans and went into the closet pulling a panel out of the bottom floor board.

Reaching towards the back she pulled out a small box, it wasn't tiny but big enough to hold quite a bit inside.

Making her way downstairs she put her shoes on and opened the door making sure to be quiet, she placed a book in-between the door and the frame so it wouldn't close fully.

She hurried down the path and up the street walking towards the SUV that was parked a little ways up.

Knocking on the window Russell Doberman smiled at her and unlocked the door letting her in.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked hugging her once she got closed the door.

"Yeah for the most part. I don't have much time, I need you to take care of this for me." She said looking at her surroundings.

"Whats wrong." He asked watching her nervous behavior, it wasn't unusual but she was more on the watch than she has been lately.

"We've been meeting like this for days, he's not suspicious is he?" Russell asked her.

"No he hasn't suspected anything but I can surely tell you now that he is working for someone big. I mean they're top level I'm sure of it." she said looking at him nervously.

"Wait I thought this Gus guy was who he was working for, he's the one that's always here to talk to him." Russell replied tussling his curly hair out of his face.

"I thought so to until last night...Listen to me there is someone that Gus is protecting, he's doing all the work but she is calling the shots. Something is going to happen I can feel it so-" before she could finish she started to cry just thinking of leaving Carys alone with that man.

She knew this needed to be done. their is no one else she trusts more than Russell and Aria. They practically grew up together and were the best of friends. But when Marcus showed up it all changed. he isolated her form everyone until all she had was him.

Russell is a surgeon while Aria is a therapist. Once the found out that Carys was in school with his sons since middle school they found a way to get back in touch. Trust was always between them but it was even more evident the past few years.

They've been trying to get Carys and her mother safe for awhile now but it was tough considering they didn't have much on the father to go to the police with, he is in such a secluded spot no noise complaints were ever an issue plus Celeste didn't work anymore so no problem there.

It was more crucial to get them out as fast as possible, Celeste is more worried than even especially after what happened last night.

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