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"She just wants to be loved madly." - r.h. Sin

A few days later...


These past few days have been insane. We went form snorkeling to hang gliding, we even went to an underwater aquarium.

Now we sit at dinner together awaiting for our food to arrive and I can't help but feel sad. Sad because I know this is the time where we break off and Aria and Russell get to have their time alone.

Kinda like another honeymoon for them.

Of course that means I'll be alone with the boys... I'm already alone with Nathan and that's tough enough.

An absolute gentleman, he doesn't try to force anything on me and I am grateful for that but the caring side of him, fuck his presence alone makes me wanna melt.

How am I going to make it a week and half with the three of them.

Even though I'm in my head I don't miss the jokes and light conversation that surrounds us. Making sure I'm not that out of it for them to notice I laugh with them.

I join in the slightest bit with comments.

I think I did good, they don't look concerned.

Deep breath in.... And back out, maybe I just need a hot bath.

Almost finished and in my room I can go and hide.

Dinner was amazing as always, I excused myself while they ordered dessert and walked along the boardwalk that separated the dining area and the beach.

I pull the strings to my hoodie tighter and tie them together as the slightly cool breeze brushed by me.

Taking in the sun that sets over the water is breathtaking. It hits the water perfectly adding a warm orange and red tone to the already blue/ green calm waters.

I could feel the tears slip down my cheeks.

I didn't even notice I was this upset.


Third pov...

"Somethings wrong!" Nathan said visibly tensed as he watched Cary's excuse herself without dessert.

"Your staying with her, what happened?" Isaac said seeming as concerned.

They huddled away from the table hoping to not concern their parents more.

Nathan immediately responded a little upset his brother would ask that. "The first night was fucking perfect and you saw her the next morning she was great. Then all of sudden she became distant."

Carter remained silent trying to contemplate himself in his head what could be wrong. "Let's just ask her." He stated confidently "I mean we're only going to go in circles because we are not her. So let's ask!" He continued and walked back to the table.

Nathan and Isaac looked at each other nodding heading towards their brother making it back to the table.

They ate dessert in a comfortable silence and after paying the bill got ready to leave.

Just in time Cary's came walking in. Her eyes starting to puff already turning red. The boys began to make their way to her but she held up her hand and shook her head. "I'm okay." She whispered turning to leave the restaurant.

Aria and Russell shared looks with theirselves and then the boys. They weren't blind, they knew from the minute the boys came home telling them how Cary's was being treated at school that they were going to protect and love her.

Even if it's all three of them, they'd just have to figure it out. This is what made their decision even easier to take her in. Not only was she the daughter of one of their closest childhood friends but she was the one woman their sons wanted to care and protect with their every being.

It was a quiet walk back to the bungalows, no one dared utter a word not knowing what to say.

Everyone was starting to go their own way as the rooms were distant from each other. Aria told everyone to go ahead while she asked to speak to Cary's.

As everyone continued on their way Aria could see the worried look in her eyes.

"This is not a session unless you need it to be." She spoke softly holding out her hand for cays to take.

They walked towards the edge of the walkway and sat down. Letting their feet hang over the calm shore.

"It's okay you know?" Carys eyes widened and tears welled in her eyes. Aria's voice was soft and compassionate.

"We knew from the start how they felt about you, we accepted you into our home with the expectation of you staying in this family forever Cary's." Aria gripped her hands holding them tight.

"I- I thought you'd hate me if I liked them, you gave me so much and in repayment I like not one but all three of your sons. I'd thought you'd fine me disgusting." Carys cried feeling relief that it was the exact opposite.

" I didn't want to di- disappoint you Bibi, you and Babu mean everything to me." She spoke as she hiccuped.

"You could never do that. You make not only us but you make our sons so happy. We couldn't asked for a better daughter in law. Hell you already feel like a daughter to us."

They continued to talk for over an hour and it ended in laughter. Russell came out to check on them and ended up joining for a little bit.

Russell walked Cary's down to her and Nathan's bungalow when her and Aria were finished talking.

The night ended to much better than she thought it would considering how's she's been feeling and it's only going to get better.

When Cary's walked into her bungalow there was flowers leading to her room. She followed them and they continued to the bathroom.

When she was surprised to find the bathtub filled for a bubble bath, candles surrounded it and more flowers leading up the walkway. By the tub she found a note that was from the boys.

They made her a bath hoping to help sooth her mind. All while apologizing for causing any of the confusion or hurt she may be feeling form them.

This made Cary's body erupt in butterflies and slight sadness for making them feel like it was their fault when it wasn't at all

She removed her clothes and entered the hot bath and instantly relaxed. Grabbing her phone she messaged their group chat thanking them and telling them she felt much better after talking to Aria.

She'd soon tell them how much she loves them. All of them.


Thank you 🌱

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