Chapter 13: Getting Used to Things

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Once again, thanks for over 100 reads. You guys are da bomb.

Katherine's pov
I just couldn't believe it. First they tell me I'm dead, then they tell me that I have to entertain children for the rest of my afterlife. Not what I wanted to do when I grew up, but it wasn't like I actually had a choice.
I sighed, this just wasn't my week.
I thought it wouldn't be very nice here, but I was wrong. It was fun talking to Foxy and his friends, what were their names? Chica and...Bonnie, was it?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Bonnie.
I still hadn't met the other one, I had heard them mention him once or twice, and I had seen him on stage durring the day. I didn't know his name, and he never came around the stage at night. Foxy didn't seem to like him very much, I wondered why.
The sound of children running through the front doors snapped me out of my trance. I glanced at the stage, Bonnie, Chica, and...the bear seemed to be doing fine. I looked forward, at the wall.
I'm just a robot, kids, nothing to see here. I'm totally not secretly alive right now.
Most of them went to the tables next to the stage and started eating pizza. A few of them wandered out to Pirate Cove, but soon enough their parents called them over for food and they ran off.
I heard the three on stage start playing music for the children. It reminded me of the Goofy Goober sonh from the SpongeBob movie.
Man, I thought, being dead means no more movies.
Oh well, movies weren't that important.
The music stopped and I heard the kids get up and wander around. A few of them came to Pirate Cove, and I said hello to them. They seemed pretty happy about that, they laughed and jumped up and down. It made me glad, seeing kids so happy. They ran off to a room next to the Cove, I was a little confused about it.
That was, until Foxy ran out of the Cove and into the room. I heard excited screams and giggles coming from the doorway before Foxy ran back into Pirate Cove.
I guess that's what he does.
I had wondered what Foxy did to entertain the kids. Bonnie, Chica, and Mr. Mysterious played music, and I guess Foxy ran out and surprised them. It made me feel a little worthless thinking about it, here they were doing all these amazing things, and all I did was say hi.

Foxy's pov
Katherine seemed to be doing pretty good, the kids got really excited whenever she talked to them. I ran out once the gang took a break, she looked a little surprised, but not for long. By the time I ran back she looked like a regular robot again.
It was a regular day, nothing really out of the ordinary. I was anxious for closing time, I wanted to get to the stage and give that stupid bear a piece of my mind. I had forgot to do it with the whole, Katherine coming to life thing.
I heard kids leaving, and I got ready to run. As soon as Kath gave the all clear, I'd be gone.

Katherine's pov
It was time for the restuarant to close, and I saw kids leaving with their parents. A good few of them were being carried out the doors, probably Not too long after that the staff shut off the lights, a girl wearing a purple outfit came in right before all the employees left.
Whats she doing here?
"They're gone." I told Foxy once I was sure the lady was way out of hearing distance. I thought he would just walk out like usual, needless to say, he didn't.
The curtains brushed against my face and made me jump back in surprise. I looked up to see Foxy sprinting down the hallway.
"FRRRREEEDDDDDY!!!!!" He yelled as he ran, he sounded pretty angry.
I didn't know what was going on, but I had a feeling I needed to catch up with him.
And I needed to do it fast.

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