Chapter 22: Lost Memories

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Tv Dude: (Yeah Bruhs he's back) Everyone! It's an emergency! If you you don't check out all Deathsupdowns books, then all the Hamsters in the world will explode! You have to check them out! We must SPREAD THE LOVE!!!!
Hahaha, I don't even know what I did there.

Katherine's pov
I didn't know how long I had been sleeping, but I knew I didn't wanna wake up. I shut my eyes tighter and wiggled a little. For the first time that I could remember, I felt warm. I snuggled closer to whatever it was that was so warm, and fell asleep again.

Bonnie's pov
Me and Chica had sat on the stage and talked for a while with Freddy, turns out he couldn't remember stalking the nightguards. Strange...
I don't know how long we talked but it sure was a while, when I looked at the time I saw that it was 9:27. Wow, we'd been talking for almost a full 3 hours. That was a shocker.
I decided to walk around and stretch my legs, Chica asked if she could go too. I said sure, and we walked around for a while.
"Did you know kids are spelling 'my' M-A-I?" She asked me as we walked, "Whats up with that?"
"I have no idea," I replied, I thought about it for a second, "Maybe they're trying to sound like this," I cleared my throat before saying, "OH MAI GAWD." In a weird voice.
We both laughed at that, the thought of children walking around saying that was too much!
We did that for a while, talking, making jokes, laughing...until we found ourselves outside Pirate Cove.
"You know," I said, "I don't think I've seen Katherine since this morning."
"Me either," Chica stated, she looked at me, "What do you think they're doing in there?" Before I could answer, she pushed back the purple curtains to reveal the two of them sitting on the floor. Both of them were fast asleep, I saw Foxy move his arm in his sleep.
We looked at each other, I could tell what she was thinking, and vice versa.
Let's not disturb them, I thought, but the look on Chica's face said, They're so cute!
Thankfully, she let go of the curtain and didn't wake them up. We continued walking for a while before walking back to the stage.

Foxy's pov
I opened my eyes and looked around, I was in a small room. The walls were a light blue and had airplanes on them. The floor was wood planks with a couple of rugs here and there. I was on a bed, there was a lamp next to the bed on the nightstand. It was on and that was how I was able to see.
Everything seemed so much...bigger. I looked down at my hands.
I couldn't believe what I saw.
My hands were...normal. I had normal, kid hands, I was human.
So, was this real? Was my entire afterlife a dream? Even though being a haunted robot in a crappy pizzeria wasn't my idea of good, I liked it there. Bonnie, Chica, and Katherine were my friends, I didn't want them to be a figment of my imagination.
I heard shouting from outside the room. I grabbed a stuffed bear sitting next to me and went to see what it was.
The door was slightly open, so getting out wasn't a problem. I walked down the lit hallway in...footie pajamas? Seriously?
How young am I? I asked myself. Three, a voice in my head said, I'm three years old.
I kept walking and I eventually ended up in the living room. I heard footsteps coming my way and I hid behind a chair.
I saw a man walk into the living room and leave the house, That's Daddy, The voice said.
A lady (Who the voice said was my mother) followed him to the door and yelled at him. I saw her take something small and shiny and throw it at him before slamming the doors
She walked down the hall to the room I came out of. I guess she saw I wasn't there because she ran around the house yelling "Aiden!"
Is that my real name?
I stepped out from behind the chair, "Aiden!" The lady said, "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"
"I'm sorry." I said, for some reason I couldn't control what I was saying, "I woke up and was looking for you." I looked at her, "Why did Daddy leave?"
"I don't know, Aiden." She replied, "I don't know. But it's late, we need to get you in the bed."
"Okay," She picked me up and took me to my room, "Goodnight, Mommy." I said.
"Goodnight." She said, she was about to turn off the light when I finally got control of my voice.
"I love you,"
She hugged me, "I love you too, sweetheart. But you need to get some sleep, we're getting up early to get pizza tomorrow."
With that said, she turned off the lamp and left. I pulled up the covers and closed my eyes. For some reason the bear was really warm, I thought I felt it move a little closer to me, but it must of been my imagination. I wrapped my arm around it and fell back to sleep.

Crys This chapter is giving me the feels! I'm sorry softies, BUT I HAD TO!!! Crys some more.
I spent an entire day without my tablet and I have one thing to say...

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