Chapter 24: Disappearing Acts

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Foxy's pov
I gently pushed Kath to the side and got up, I decided I was going to help Bonnie. I hadn't seen or heard her around here, but that didn't mean anything.
"Hey Bonnie," I said, walking after him, "need any help?"
"Not really," He replied, stopping and waiting for me to catch up, "besides, I thought you and Katherine were sleeping."
"Was sleeping, I know you're worried, and I'm helping you look for her. Doesn't matter if you like it or not."
Bonnie sighed, "I don't have a choice do I?"
"No. No, you don't."

Katherine's pov
I woke up in the Cove, I picked myself up off the floor and looked around. Where was Foxy?
I peeked out into the hall, I didn't see him out there. Maybe he had went to talk to Bonnie and Chica on stage. I walked through the curtains and into the hall, I was going to go check on them.
I walked to the dining room and looked at the stage, there wasn't anyone there.
If they aren't here, then where are they? I asked myself, I thought I would check the kitchen, they could've been hanging out there. I walked down the west hall, I didn't really like this side of the building for some reason.
I poked my head through the kitchen door, "You guys in here?" Nope.
I sighed, I'm just gonna wait in the Cove.
As I walked back down the hall, I heard something. I couldn't tell what it was, but I thought that maybe it was them. So I followed it to the end of the hall. There was a door there, I had never been to that part of the pizzeria, so I didn't know what was on the other side of the door.
I listened harder, I still couldn't hear it very well, sounded like someone was crying.
I knocked on the door, "Anyone in there?" I asked. I didn't get an answer, and the sound stopped. I decided to check what was in there, but my hand wouldn't move to the doorknob. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get to the knob.
I shrugged it off and walked back to the Cove, I'll ask Foxy about it.

Foxy's pov
Me and Bonnie had looked down the entire east hallway for Chica, but we couldn't find her anywhere. Bonnie said he had checked the west, where was she?
He was freaking out, I tried to calm him down. Panicking wasn't going to get us anywhere, it certainly wouldn't help us find Chica.
"Look Bonnie," I said, "it's fine. I'll go wake Kath up, and she can help us look, okay?" I saw him nod his head before I walked to the Cove. I pulled back the curtains and stepping inside, I looked down expecting Katherine to be there, she wasn't.
I walked out to the hall and looked towards the stage, I didn't see her down there, but that didn't mean I couldn't check.
"Whats wrong?" Bonnie asked, I didn't look at him, he didn't need to see how worried I was, it'd only freak him out more.
"Kath is gone." I said, right before I ran down the hall.
I got to the stage and looked around, I didn't see her anywhere.
"Kath!" I yelled, Please don't tell me she's gone! "Katherine!" I didn't get a response, so I walked back out into the hall.
"Kath! Where are you?"
"I'm right here, silly." I turned towards the source of the voice to see Katherine walking to me from the west hall.
"Whats a matter?" She asked when she got to me, "Did something happen?"
I didn't say anything, I just hugged her, "Don't you ever scare me like that again."
"Okay," She replied, hugging me back. I thought I heard her laugh a little, "I won't. Just as long as you tell me what I did that scared you so much."

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