Chapter 16: Fever Dreams

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I must warn you
There will be violence
A lot more violence than last time

Foxy's pov
I was running down the hall as fast as I could, I didn't know why, but I had to get to the dining room. I heard soft footsteps behind me, but I ignored them. Whoever it was couldn't catch up to me.
Once I got there, I looked up and saw the gang on stage, I was going to wave at them, but my hand wouldn't move. I couldn't even stop running.
Why can't I control my limbs?
I tried to yell out, tell them to move, but that didn't work either. They just stood there, they didn't move out of the way. They looked scared.
I jumped towards Freddy and knocked him over, then I got up and started punching him in the face.
I heard a faint shout before someone grabbed my arm and tried to drag me away, but I shook my arm free and continued hitting him.
After that I heard people talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Someone grabbed my arm again, and I felt anger rise in my chest, but I didn't know why.
This doesn't concern you!
Someone grabbed my other arm and dragged me away from Freddy. I saw him backing away, he looked terrified.
He should have been.
I started struggling and kicking, I had to break free, I had to get him. I felt a need to hurt him.
"LET ME GO!!" I yelled, struggling harder. I felt my left arm break free, and then I pushed the other person away. They let go of my arm and I got up.
This is none of your buisness!
I felt hot and cold at the same time, I knew what I was doing, but I was powerless to stop it.
She needs to learn to stay out of people's buisness, I heard someone say. I didn't recognize the voice at all.
I looked up at the person I'd pushed, it was Katherine. I walked up to her, she looked up and I hit her. She fell off the stage and landed on the floor.
Please! Stop, don't make me hurt them! Please! But it didn't matter how many times I begged, it wasn't going to work.
I stood over her and smiled at the thought of killing her.
No, Stop! I struggled to gain control of my limbs, but no matter what I did it seemed like nothing worked.
I jumped down and sunk my hook into her chest, I felt myself smile even more.
STOP! You can't do this!
But I did, and as I raised my hook up blood dripped off of it.
Part of me was thrilled, a different part of me was terrified.

I woke up with a start, I quickly glanced around the room. I was in the kitchen, sitting on the floor. I was shaking and hyperventilating. I remembered what I had learned yesterday and that seemed to help. I gave a sigh of relief.
It must of been a dream. I looked at Katherine, Yeah, it was just a dream.
I looked around the room some more, Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy were nowhere to be seen. There was a clock on the wall next to the door, so I checked the time. 10:26...WAIT, it was 10:00???
Where is everybody?
It was the middle of the day, the building should of been packed right now.
I wanted to leave to investigate, but...part of me didn't like the idea of leaving Katherine behind.
So I stayed.
It was really quiet in there so I thought about the dream, it seemed so real. It made me scared that I was going to hurt somebody.
You KILLED Katherine, Foxy. You killed her! What happens the next time you black out like that? What if you actually almost kill someone?!?!?
I shook my head, I couldn't think like that, not now. Those kinds of thoughts weren't going to get me anywhere.
I heard Katherine mumble and I turned around to face her, she was still out. Maybe she was having some kind of dream, like I did.
That thought wasn't making me feel better.

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