Author's Notes

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The fact that I lost the draft of the cover for some reason (maybe I deleted it, as stupid as I am) and had to do a (to be honest better) copy... I amuse myself with my own stupidity sometimes.

Anyway, seeing as I still can't let go even after writing the ending one year ago and judging by the fact I have gained few extra followers, I decided to pull a Capcom move and remake one of my stories, but in English! I get it, y'all. Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache, German is a really difficult language.

Speaking of said original story, I think I'll let Love - For Real? exist and I'll delete the original. I know that people start off unwell, especially in writing, and I will never see the eventual growth as an author while comparing this to the original if I ever decide to delete it, but still. In case I actually go through with it, R.I.P. Liebe - jetzt ernst?, 14.08.2022 - 6.07.2024. I'm sorry, old friend, but it is time to let you rest. It's only for your best. You will be missed.

For my followers that can speak German, have read the original and decided to read the remake: It's essentially the same story, but a few minor details may be different. For example, I'll leave out one smut scene in detail because I was barely 18 when I wrote it back then and... Well, writing about two teenagers doing it as a 20-year-old doesn't seem right. Yeah.

Oh, and if you haven't read the synopsis: Trigger warning: family issues, cursing and mentioning of death. A bit of cringe as well since it's a remake of my first story. Unless I find a way to make it less cringeworthy (can't get around the parts regarding angst cringe tho). We'll see. (oh and the first few chapters are gonna be bad too cuz the male protagonist is quite the arsehole at first)

Besides, this story will take place in the city of Adelanto, California. I, obviously, never went there and only wanted to pick a random lesser known city. If there are actually any Adelanto natives reading this 1. hi and 2. I'm sorry if some details are incorrect. Just pretend that it's an alternative universe or something if so.

Before this begins, I am always open to feedback if you wanna leave some! Take two, action!

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