After School

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Bryce's PoV

I open my eyes and notice the sun lightening up our room. I look at my phone. It was 10 AM. On a Wednesday. "Shit, we're late!" Then, I remember that we graduated yesterday. Whoops.

By acting up like that, I accidentally wake up Naomi. "Jeez, do you have to be so loud?" I chuckle sheepishly. "I...almost dropped my phone." She smirks at me. "You forgot that we don't have to go to school anymore, right?" "...Bingo, Sherlock," I chuckle in response, holding up my hands in mock defeat.

"Morning, ladies," I say with a smile as I enter the kitchen. "Where's my sister?" Hikari, who is still here to my surprise, asks. "She'll come, chill the fuck out..." And there Naomi comes in, groaning in discomfort. "Fuck, everything hurts when I'm standing..."

Naomi's sister and mom immediately stare at me before they laugh out loud. "No wonder, considering you two were so loud last night!" Yuki exclaims. "CHANGE OF TOPIC, PLEASE!" By now, Naomi and I are red as tomatoes.

"So... Have you popped the question yet?" "Hikari, they just turned eighteen a few months ago, give them some time!" Naomi and I smile nervously. "Y-Yeah, I actually did, like a while- What're you doing?" Hikari basically inspects Naomi's hand, much to her discomfort. "No ring," she utters.

"Yeah. It was more of a spontaneous thing. Besides, I want to spend the money you gave me on the wedding rings." Hikari groans as I explain myself. "Sis, why'd it have to be this doofus?!" "You can't choose who you love! Not like you'd ever know!" Naomi retorts, earning a growl from her big sister. "Why, you-!" ...How old are these two again?

Despite the attempt of Yuki and me trying to stop the sibling fight, nothing seems to work, which leads to us going into the garden to let the sisters cool down. "This oughta take a while..." "Are you sure that we should leave them by themselves?" I ask Yuki, actually kind of worrying.

"They won't kill each other, they'll be fine. That's not the first time, you know... Well, sibling love stays the same, no matter how old they are, it seems..." After another bout of silence (save for the Kaminari sisters fighting), Yuki asks me. "Hey. When do you plan on getting married?"

I shrug unknowingly at that question. "Good question. We'll see if I have enough money after buying the wedding rings. Other than that, I guess, like, soon enough. Honestly, it depends on what Naomi says." "Good idea," Yuki chuckles, holding her fist up. "...What is that?" "Don't you younger people do that?" I roll my eyes with an amused smile and bump her fist.

The same day, in the evening

"Hey, I wanted to know..." Naomi sighs before I could even finish my sentence. "If you wanna do it again, forget it, I gotta recharge after yesterday." I chuckle. "No, I don't mean that. When should we get married?"

She turns to me, facing me as we lie next to each other. "Well, as soon as possible!" ...That does not really help. "A bit more precise, please." She shrugs. "I dunno... Let's say in October?" I shrug and nod. "Sounds good for me. Do you want anything after we get married?"

Naomi seems to think for a while. "No. Honestly, I'd be happy if we'd just live happily togeth-..." Suddenly, a blush spreads across her face. "What?" "I-I think that there is one thing..." "That would be?" Her blush intensifies. "...A baby."

I immediately react with a puzzled, somewhat shocked expression. After all, I'm not the biggest fan of children. Quite the opposite, actually. But, well I could make an exception, I guess...

After she sees my shocked expression, she responds with a look of disappointment. "Never mind. I was just...thinking, you know?" I cup one of her cheeks with my hand. "It's alright. You'll get one when the time comes," I finally answer.

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