Can't Get You Out Of My Head

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Bryce's PoV

I never had such bad sleep in a long time. It's all because of her. Since yesterday, she won't ever get out of my head. It's not like I hate everything about her. But why do I l-?

"BRYCE, COME ON, WE'RE LOSING!" My thoughts were interrupted by Mikey yelling through his headset. "YOU'RE GETTING KILLED ALL THE TIME, IT'S NOT MY FAULT, YOU NOOB!" I retort. Remind me to never play Call Of Duty while I'm overthinking.

Of course, Mikey doesn't leave me alone, even after the match.

Mikey's and Bryce's chat

M: Dude whats the matter with u?

M: we always win as a team

B: we just had overpowered opponents

M: yea right

M: Its not Naomi is it?

B: no its not 😒

M: Trouble in paradise?

M: Hope the principal doesnt find out lol

B: cmon bro shes no snitch

M: Youre defending her bro, youre just confirming my claims

B: oh stfu man

M: U know shes cute, I dont blame u

B: so u want her or smth?



Bryce's PoV

Did I really feel a bit of jealousy when I sent that question? And relief when he answered the way he did? Fuck, it's that bad, huh...? Welp, time to practice singing by myself...

The following Monday, Naomi's PoV

I lie on my bed. 7:40. Twenty more minutes until school starts. It's gonna be tough... How am I supposed to look him in his eyes ever again?! Especially during that Thanksgiving thing coming up?! The events from Saturday just won't leave me alone...

"Naomi, dear, are you okay?" As much as I appreciate my mom not using that damned nickname, it also shows that she's worrying about me. "Yup, I'm fine. Just stayed up way too long," I reply with an obviously fake smile. I just hope that she doesn't look through me. "You really should know your limits with your TV series..." Mom mutters. Okay, she didn't look through me, that's good.

Even though I went to school at the slowest pace possible, I still arrived on time. Crap. Well, I don't have to talk to him much, do I? Except for when band practice comes arounds... Shit!

Bryce's PoV

We didn't really see each other today. A few quick glances here and there, but not more than that.

I never was one to go to the school library. But during the break between lessons, I decide to hide there so I don't have to talk with anyone. ...I thought so until the door opens. "There you are." At least it's Mikey, not Naomi.

"..." I don't answer as Mikey sits down next to me. In my peripheral vision, I notice him looking worried. "What's wrong? You never hide from anyone. Especially in the library." I shake my head in distress. "Can I ask you something?" Mikey nods. "Shoot."

"Okay... Look, do you know how it is to be in love?" Mikey sighs. "Yup. Everywhere I look, good looking boys and girls." Now I'm to a hundred percent sure that he's bi. But that doesn't matter right now. "Well, I... I kissed her."

He gasps. "WHAT?!" "Hey, keep it down...!" the librarian exclaims. "Sorry!" He turns to me, obviously flabbergasted. "You really did that...?!" "I don't know how it happened. My face just went closer to hers and, bam, it happened. It was as if a magnet attracted our faces to each other." Mikey looks at me in a serious manner. "You're in love." I sigh in frustration as my head hangs low. "Yeah, probably..."

Naomi's PoV

I open the door to the library and notice Bryce sitting there! Crap! I try to hide from his view just in case he turns around towards the door! Then, I notice Mikey sitting next to him. As Bryce seems desperate, judging by his posture, Mikey tries to comfort him. At least I'm not the only one suffering from my feelings.

For the rest of the day, I'm thinking of any reason to not join band practice today. Should I tell Ronnie and/or Mikey that I'm sick? Nah, no way. If there's anything I've learned, it's that these two are gossipers. Well, here goes nothing.

Bryce's PoV

Stupid habit of mine. If I have something I'm thinking about, I tend to sing a song that I relate to these thoughts. This time, it's Can't Get You Out Of My Head by Kylie Minogue.

I just can't get you out of my head
Girl, its more than I dare to think about

"Oi, Bryce, mind coming back down to planet Earth?!" I flinch after Ronnie yells that. "Yeah, yeah..." Thank God I haven't told him anything about what's worrying me. He would give me shit about it otherwise.

I hear Naomi catching her breath as she storms into the practice room. "I'm... I'm not too late, am I?" I turn towards her, feeling awkward. "Nah, you're good. Let's just do this." Was my tone a bit too rude? As much as I don't feel like talking to her, I don't want to hurt her either...

"So, what song is it today, boss?" I roll my eyes at Ronnie's question. "I dunno. Let's play Demons by Imagine Dragons, I guess." And so we did, with as much passion as always. Naomi didn't sing, but I could feel what she's feeling nonetheless. Yup. Same here.

Naomi's PoV

I could detect nothing different in his voice, but still, this time, his singing sounded like he's trying to warn me. Especially during the chorus.

Don't get too close, it's dark inside
It's where my demons hide

Bryce's PoV

I let out a sigh as we finish the song. "We did well, guys," I say before storming out of the room with my head hung low. I had to get home quickly in an effort to forget everything. To forget her.

Mikey's PoV

"The hell is up with him?" Ronnie asks. I shrug. "Beats me." Then, Naomi runs after Bryce without saying a word! "Hey, where are you going?!" She just ignores my question...

Naomi's PoV

I couldn't leave him like that. I know that he probably won't talk to me. But it's worth a shot.

Bryce's PoV

I sit down on a park bench to calm down. I knew I should've just gone home straight away when I notice someone standing in front of me. "Can't I just sit here in peace?!" As I look up, I see Naomi. "Sorry..." she mutters. I fake a smile successfully. "For what?"

She bites her lower lip and sits down. "For, you know, hanging out with you yesterday. That's what created this whole dilemma, right?" I sigh. "Yeah. Look, it would be better if we don't see each other anymore. It's for your best."

I notice her looking at me in shock. "But... But why?" I turn towards her, making sure to look her right in the eyes. "Look: I don't have the greatest rep in school. I'm basically the scum of the school. I know that. I just don't want my behavior to rub off on y-!" Before I could finish speaking, she kisses me. After that, she slaps me. I wholeheartedly deserved that.

"Would you stop acting like you're nothing...?!" A tinge of sadness marks her voice as she grabs onto my shirt. "B-But I am..." "NO, YOU'RE NOT! YOU ARE TALENTED! YOU ARE A TRUE FRIEND IF YOU WANT TO BE! YOU ARE ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE I TRULY CARE ABOUT!"

After yelling at me, she lets go of my shirt. She speaks more calmly now while she is tearing up. "So... Please, don't be too harsh to yourself. Some people love you. I... I..." As she stops lamenting, I hug her. "I get it," I answer.

"...Huh?" I sigh as I remove myself from the hug and look at her. "I want with you." She looks at me in astonishment at my complicated declaration of love, to which I answer with a kiss. As we stop kissing, she smiles, tears of sadness turning into tears of joy. "I want to be with you too..."

And with that, we went from classmates to friends to lovers.


THE MOMENT WE ALL WAITED FOR, WOOOOO! Anyway, see you in the next chapter, we definitely ain't done yet! Ciao!

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