Fireflies In The Night Sky

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Bryce's PoV

"Hey, I said 'breakfast is ready'!" I breathe a sigh of annoyance as Yuki decides to rush us. "Give us a moment, damn it!" Naomi grumbles to herself. "Fuck, I really ain't looking forward to this..." "Hey, she would find out sooner or later, anyway."

As soon as we get into the kitchen, we see Yuki sitting at the table. We both smile sheepishly at her. "Good morning..." She just smiles sweetly at us. "Thought I'd have to carry you two to the kitchen! Anyway, might wanna warm up the tea and the toast..." Did she actually forget about yesterday? "Actually, I do understand why you didn't want to get up." Naomi and I spit-take our tea at Yuki's quip. Nope. She definitely did NOT forget about yesterday.

"Ahem... Mom, about yesterday..." Yuki puts her cup of tea down and chuckles. "No need to be ashamed. In fact, I should be ashamed of myself for barging in!" Then, she stands up and hugs us both from behind. "I'm just so happy that you two love each other so much." We both blush madly as she says that. Also, ew. Not that she's wrong, but, still, the way she said that? Ew.

"You're not mad?" Naomi asks. Yuki laughs heartily. "Me? No way, my snow lily! Your sister, however..." And, suddenly, my phone starts ringing. Fuck. "Excuse me," I mutter before going back to my room. Then, I take a clear look at the caller ID. Hikari. Either she'll inflict a curse on me or she'll congratulate us for doing it. Either way, I'm screwed.

"Hello...?" Silence. "Hello?" Suddenly, the Witch of the Kaminaris yells at me with the rage of a thousand suns! "YOU FUCKING PERVERT, ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO USE MY SISTER'S BODY, YOU MUTT!"

After having my eardrums nearly destroyed, I sigh. "Are you done? How do you k-?!" Suddenly, she yells at me again, and even though I didn't understand anything... It was scary! "Now I'm done," she says. I groan in annoyance. "How do you know, anyway?" "It's called a sibling's instincts!" "Then, tell me, who did the first move according to your 'instincts'?! It wasn't me, believe that, it ain't my fault!"

Silence, once again. "Hikari?" I call her name, but still, nothing. Suddenly, she starts cheering! I do not understand anything, but judging by her tone, I just assume that it's cheering. "Sorry." she says with a happy chuckle. "Huh? What the-!" "Can't talk right now, byeee!"

So, it's okay if Naomi does the first move? I just don't get this chick...

Hikari's PoV

I sigh after hanging up and smile to myself. "You're really growing up, huh...?"

Bryce's PoV

"Hey, was that Hikari on the phone?" I give Naomi a sheepish smile as she comes in. "...Maybe?" Suddenly, she seems to think for a bit before... "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" As she throws her phone at me, I flinch. "I didn't tell her anything, I swear, she just knew!"

Even after my explanation, Naomi freaks out. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, what if Hikari tells Mom- no wait, Mom already knows! But what if the only conversation topic will be...well, what we did yesterday?! FUCK, WE SCREWED UP!"

"Are you two alright?" Naomi immediately turns to her mother with a smile on her face. "Yup, we're good!" As if she forgot why she freaked out...! "Alright, Naonao, could you help me out with the dishes, please?" "Sure thing!"

Once Naomi storms out of our room, I sigh in relief. "Got lucky..." After thirty minutes, she comes back. "Thanks for your help, by the way," Naomi utters sarcastically. "Hey, your mom asked you, not me," I clap back. "Did I ever tell you that you can be a lazy sack of shit?" Nonchalantly, I shrug. "Yeah, you mentioned that here and there."

As soon as Naomi lets herself fall onto our bed with a semi-frustrated sigh, I look at her. "Naomi?" "Hm?" "Do I annoy you?" She hesitates with her answer. "Yeah, sometimes. Would be boring if you didn't, though," she giggles. "Heeey!" "Just telling you the truth!" After that little banter, we laugh. Then, my hand intertwines with hers.

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