You Brought Me To Life

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Naomi's PoV

I sigh as I look at the alarm clock. 7:45 AM. You know that feeling when you don't have the energy to go to school? Yeah, that's basically me right now. Band practice is basically the only thing I look forward to today. Gotta get through it, I guess.

My mom, who just had her night shift, comes back home. "Naonao, are you still here?" God, I hate that nickname. "Yeah, just woke up..." I mutter. As she comes in, she looks at me. "Don't have the energy to go to school?" "Is it that hard to see?" "Is it that bad?"

I lift my head from my pillow. "I mean... It's not that bad. I joined a band." My mom gasps and beams a smile. "Tell me everything!" "Well, you know I play the bass, so, yeah. Also, I met this one guy. Bryce is his name. Everyone acts like he's a deadbeat, a hooligan, but I know there's more to him than that."

Mom sighs. "Well, you always saw the good things in certain people." I chuckle. "Yeah, you're kinda right. Anyway, I'm running late." I hug my mom with a smile. Then, I run to school. "See you tomorrow, mom!"

Bryce's PoV

Well, seems like both of my boys are sick, which means that I have to hang around with this Naomi chick. Maybe I'm gonna take a chance with her today. Then again, even if I did, I still have to talk to her, since she's part of the band and all. Whatever. Gotta wait until I seduce her completely, I guess.

I see her on the schoolyard. "You're running late too, huh?" "Nope. Just waited for you." Then, she takes a look behind me. "Where are your buddies?" "Both are sick. Guess we only have each other today." She shrugs and smiles. "Well, I don't mind!"

Her smile is so... I don't know how to phrase it, but I love it. I never noticed that about other girls. There's a certain friendliness like I've never seen it before. Who is this girl? "Me neither," I reply with a smile. A genuine smile. The voice in my head hates me for it since I don't even think about the principal's threat. I... I really smiled at her. Genuinely.

Over the entire day, we actually never interacted with each other. That was until history class came along. "Bryce, partner up with Naomi, would you kindly?" Are the teachers trying to be Cupid or something? I bet Ronnie or Mikey bribed the teacher to say that...

"Well, you had the resistances against Hitler. You talk, I'm just gonna write it down." I smirk. "Well, let's start with the most important. First, we had Georg Elser. The war hasn't really started, but Elser knew how dangerous it was gonna be. So he planned a bombing in the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich to assassinate Hitler and other leaders of the Nazi Party. Then, we had rebels in the Nazi Party itself, who mostly sought out to assassinate Hitler due to thinking that he's unfit to lead a war. The most important rebel would be Stauffenberg..."

Naomi's PoV

For an apparent deadbeat, he sure knows a whole lot! After writing everything down, from the church resistance to the civilian resistance against the Nazis, he keeps talking! "Uhm... Can't write anything down on the paper anymore."

He looks down at the assignment paper and laughs. "Sorry. I always talk too much when it comes to group work." That's the price you pay for being intelligent, I guess... At least the period goes over rather quickly by listening to him talk.

A few moments later

Great. It's lunch and I can't stand being around everyone else. "Uhm, Bryce...?"

Bryce's PoV

I look at her. She seems to be nervous. Poor girl. Wait... Are those genuine feelings again?! "Yeah?" "Can I join you for lunch?" "You've been following me around all morning and I had to work with you for the entirety of history class today, but sure. You don't mind fast food, right?" She shakes her head. "Not at all!"

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