Trouble In Paradise

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Bryce's PoV

I turn to Naomi to say 'Good morning'... And I forgot that she's at school while I've been suspended temporarily. I look at my cellphone. It's the sixth of January. Yup. Mr. Reeds was way too merciful again. Not that I mind.

Two days ago

"I don't know what you were thinking! The fact that you're getting into fights doesn't surprise me anymore, but this time, you went too far!" I decide to play the role of the victim. "I was defending myself!" The principal rolls his eyes. "Right, you're suspended until Friday!"

"Well, best school dance ever, I'd say," Naomi quips as we exit the school building. "Tell me about it. Why are you still here? Mikey's still inside, go hang out with him or something." She shakes her head. "Can't leave you alone and let you suffer from my mom's cringe." I smirk. "Fair. Oh, by the way, the hickey is showing again."

Naomi gasps and adjusts the scarf I gave her. Then, she clears her throat. "I don't regret coming here with you, you know? It was kinda..." She bites her lip. "Kinda what?" I ask in a teasing way. "Come on, don't make me say it!" she retorts, hitting my shoulder softly.

As we walk back home, I decide to ask her the following question: "You don't hate me, right?" She gives me a peck on the cheek. "You just wanted to defend me. But, well, you were kinda scary when you went all berserk."

I chuckle. "Fair enough. You scared the crap outta me as well when you roughed up Selena." She shrugs. "She insulted my boyfriend. Bitch had it coming." Well, I did hear that people copy certain behavior patterns of another person they're close with. Don't ask me where I heard that from, exactly. Let's just hope it doesn't escalate anymore in her case.

"GUESS WHO'S BACK...BUT A LITTLE EARLIER!" Yuki turns to us as we enter the kitchen. "A little? You were gone for just two hours!" She actually kept track of time?! "Anyway, you're just in time for dinner." DID SHE JUST SAY DINNER?! Fuck, that's not gonna go well regarding the circumstances!

"Naomi, are you well? Are you cold? You're not sick, are you?" Yuki asks, most definitely because of the scarf. "I'm... Yeah, I'm just cold!" Then, Yuki looks at the thermostat. "Normal temperature. Are you sure that you're well?"

Suddenly, Sakura pulls on the scarf, taking it off before she starts to squawk loudly! "SCREW OFF, YOU STUPID-!" I start chasing the bird until Yuki suddenly grabs me and Naomi before bear hugging us!

"My babies really are growing up! You really went one step further!" "MOOOOM!" Naomi exclaims in embarrassment as I start blushing. "We haven't... We just kissed, nothing more, nothing less!" I explain. Yuki giggles. "That's valid, too! I'm so proud of you two!"

We both lie on our bed once more. "Fuck, does my mom really have to embarrass me like that every time?!" Naomi groans out. "Well, I dunno. To be fair, she does mean well."

Naomi sighs. "...Are you frustrated?" I ask. "Because of my mom? Yeah, kinda." "No, I meant because you have to get through a week without me."

She shakes her head. "Why should I be? I have Sean, Mikey and Ronnie. I'll do fine, don't worry." Then, she yawns. "Anyway, I'm tired. Unless, you know, you wanna continue where we left off?" I roll my eyes with a smile. "Not now, babe. Good night," I reply. Naomi giggles. "Night!"

Present day

Now I basically have to sit at home alone until Friday since Yuki works until nighttime and Naomi is at school for the majority of the day. What should I do now? Practice my singing? Play some CoD? Throw Sakura into the fryer (because, really, good riddance if I did so)?

A message pops up on my phone. "Who the hell...?!" I grumble to myself before looking at the name. It's just Hikari.

Hikari's and Bryce's chat

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