Circle Of Life

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Bryce's PoV, five months into Naomi's pregnancy

Well, the pregnancy has been going well so far and time has been flying like crazy. The latter may be due to the valium. So far, I'm dealing with my anxiety as well as I can. Good news for us, we finally got our own house, right across from Yuki.

"Could you open up? I can't seem to get up," Naomi asks of me as the doorbell rings. "Sure thing. Must be your mom or something." However, as I open the door, Hikari stands before me. Again.

"Your boss should fire you. You know, since you fly here most of the time just to see us." Hikari shrugs, apparently not giving a shit. "Whatever. There are other businesses I can work for." Her eyes wander through the living room we're sitting in. "Nice place. Across from Mom, too." "Yeah, Naomi wanted us to live close to your mom, and, well, this was available."

Hikari nods understandingly. "Speaking of which, where is she?" I sigh as I stand up from the couch. "Still in bed. I'll get her." "Don't take too long!" "Whatever!"

Hikari's PoV

As Bryce leaves to get my sister, I decide to go through their new place. "Hm. Not too shabby, but not too ornate. No annoying bird either, bonus points, I guess." Then, I hear Bryce's voice. "Easy does it..." "I'm pregnant, not recovering from an illness!" my sister retorts.

I turn to the both of them and look at Naomi. "You look... You seem to be fine." "I do feel fine." Naomi and I exchange a warm smile. "So, how long is it until the baby gets born?" "Four months. I think." "Yeah, four months," Bryce confirms Naomi's answer.

I smirk and kneel down to Naomi's belly. "Hey, kiddo, this is your auntie!" "Cringeworthy..." I hear Bryce mutter. "Whatever. Got a name for the kid?" Both Bryce and Naomi nod. "If it's a girl, we'll call her Amy. If it's a boy, we settled on Evan."

At Naomi's answer, I click my tongue in slight disappointment. "What? Those are pretty names." "Amy is. But Evan Kaminari? Could you really imagine that?" "What do you have against Evan as a name?!" Bryce replies. "I'm just saying that-!" "Ugh, you both are making me wanna throw up... LITERALLY, OUT OF MY WAY!"

Bryce's PoV

As Naomi runs towards the bathroom, Hikari and I sit down on the couch again. "Shouldn't you help her? Some husband you are." I sigh in slight frustration. "I do all that I can. Don't treat her like she's a baby or something." "Well, she is my little sister after all." I can't help but let out a small laugh. "You got a point there."

Both of us sit in awkward silence before Hikari speaks up. "So... Naomi says you're having trouble dealing with being a father soon?" Of course she told her that. "Well, some anxiety here and there." I grab the pills from my jeans' pockets. "Nothing these can't ease, however." "What, you turning into a junkie now?" "You ain't getting rid of me that easily," I chuckle.

"Well, you know... I think you'll be a great dad!" I smile. "Thanks. How come you're always so nice to me?" "Well, you are my brother-in-law. I just hope your kid ain't getting your cynicism."

I shrug. "I can't help being cynical, you know. The world can be cruel." Hikari's expression becomes serious as she nods. "True... But you gotta admit, as many bad things there are in this world, there are enough good ones." I nod uncertainly. "Could be. Depends on how peoples' lives are, I guess."

Our pseudo-philosophical talk gets interrupted by the doorbell once again. This time, Ronnie comes in, along with Andrea. "Did anyone tell you that you look like shit?" "Pot, meet the kettle," I quip in response.

Andrea gets tons of clothes from her backpack. "One of my little cousins grew out of her clothes, thought you could use these." "Very thoughtful of you, gracias," I say with a smile. "How many more guests are coming?" Naomi asks jokingly as she comes into the living room.

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