Near, Far...

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TW: Depiction of abandonment issues

Bryce's PoV

Finally, our senior year has begun. Around one more year until we leave school... The real life is getting closer.

"Bryce? BRYCE!" I flinch as Mikey calls for me. "Daydreaming again?" I smile and nod, earning a sigh from Mikey. "Dude, you really need to get it together!" Then, the both of us flinch once the teacher calls for the entire class. "Alright, everyone, as I mentioned before summer break, we'll have a school trip soon enough..." Right, I knew I forgot that something was going on.

Before summer break

"So, I thought, since it's your last year, I decide that one last class trip is in order. Mr. Reeds accepted my premonition, but only under one condition; the destination has to be in the U.S." Then, the commotion among the students starts. "Ohio!" "Hotel California!" "That's a song, you idiot! Besides, we already live in California, idiot!" "West Virginia!"

I yawn as I was about to doze off. Then, I feel someone lift up my hand. "Hey, what the-?!" "Michael and Bryce?" "West Virginia!" Mikey calls excitedly. I sigh in annoyance. "West Virginia. I guess." After giving my answer, I subtly hit Mikey on the shoulder. "Are you crazy...?!" He just snickers quietly in response.

Present day

Honestly, I just agreed with Mikey 'cause I didn't give a shit. Whatever, it is what it is.

"The destination will be a hostel in a small city , close to the border between Kentucky and West Virginia. Anyway, the following things are forbidden to bring along!" Mikey and I ignore the teacher as we talk privately. "You don't mind that Sean ain't around no more, right?" He shrugs. "Nah, I got you. And if I get to bring along Roxanne, that's even better!" "Shit, you still call your guitar that?" "Of course!"

"Could you two stop chatting? Anyway, you are only allowed to bring along your mobile devices, your clothing, your money and body care products." I sigh. "Well, you don't get to bring your guitar with you. Whatever, it's just five days."

Suddenly, Mikey gets up with a fake smile, his right eye slightly twitching. "Mr. Newman? Can I go out for a bit?" The teacher looks at him in a confused way. "Uhm... Sure." Then, Mikey gets out of the classroom. Whatever, I think he's just gonna take a few deep breaths and...

"IS HE FUCKING SERIOUS?! WHY DOESN'T HE JUST TAKE AWAY ANY KIND OF OXYGEN FROM ME?! DOESN'T HE KNOW THAT THE BOND BETWEEN A MUSICIAN AND HIS INSTRUMENT IS HOLY?! OF COURSE HE DOESN'T! BECAUSE HE'S A BUFFOON!!!" After that, he just comes back as if nothing happened. Didn't ever think he'd go off like that, but, whoop, there it is.

"Whoa, blondie, you really went berserk. How weren't you expelled for insulting the teacher?!" Ronnie asks as we walk back home. "Well, no one keeps me from my number one!" "What about Sean?" I ask. "...I mean, no one keeps me from my number two. Anyway, I'll just hide Roxanne in my suitcase!" "Yeah, try hiding an entire guitar in a suitcase, ya idiot," Ronnie mutters.

As we eat dinner at home, Naomi sighs. "Look, Mom, we're gonna have to leave you in a week again." She really needs to learn how to phrase that better. "Wait, what?!" "It's not like that! We're going on a class trip!" Yuki still looks at us in a shocked way, even after my explanation. "F-For...?" "Five days." She lays her head on the table and sighs. "I'm gonna die alone..." "Stop being a drama queen, Mom!" Naomi sighs in frustration.

One day before the trip

We're in the middle of packing our suitcases as I notice Naomi attempting to sneak out of the room in the corner of my eye. "What're you doing?" She flinches and turns to me with a slight smile. "I'm done with my suitcase, I just have to do something else!"

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