'Tis The Season

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Before I begin: I don't condone drinking excessively. Know your limit. If you're under 18 (or 21, for the Americans), I advise you to stay away from alcohol in general. This author's note will make sense at the end of the story and even at that moment, I just want to make a quite comedic moment in this story, so don't take that seriously. Again, I don't condone excessive (especially underage) drinking. Okay? Okay. Leggo.


Bryce's PoV, around two weeks after the confession

I have been battling internally with this decision. After all, I don't know if Yuki will approve of this. Let's just hope for the best. "Are you sure you want to do this now?" Naomi whispers. I muster together all the courage I have. "Yes." Then, I walk into the kitchen.

"...Yuki?" Even though she is cooking, she turns her head to me. "What's up, Bryce?" I feel myself freezing out of nervousness before breathing in and out to relax. "You know how I am here most of the time, right?" "Yes?" I hang my head low in an attempt to show respect. "Well, I... I want to move in with you! I know, maybe it's too early, but I can't take it anymore at my 'mother's' place!"

Once I blurt that out, she suddenly tenses up. With a heavy heart, I sigh. "I know. It's stupid and selfish that I ask that of you-!" I hold my breath as Yuki suddenly hugs me. "It's alright. Stay as long as you want, honey."

Naomi's PoV

I hide from my mom and Bryce as she basically accepts Bryce into the family. "Yes...!" I whisper to myself as I pump my fist. "I know you're there, Naonao. Come here, we're all a family now, after all!" From behind, I wrap my arms around Bryce. "Thank you, mom!" She giggles. "Of course, how could I not let your boyfriend stay?"

Then, Bryce removes himself from the group hug. "Thank you..." he mutters. Then, his breath stops for a bit. "Excuse me, I'll be back in a bit. Got something I need to take care of." I look at him in a confused way as he leaves the house. "What's wrong with him?" "I don't know..." I answer my mom's question.

Bryce's PoV

I really need to take care of something. Now that I live at my girlfriend's house, I have to write a goodbye letter to my mother. As a last 'fuck you', so to say.

As I open the door to my former house, I look around. "Well, she's not around. Of course." I look around for a piece of paper and a pen. After I find what I need, I sit down at the dinner table, putting every inch of despise in every word I write.

Lauren, 'mom',

I know that you're only gonna read this after coming home and getting sober from your high. Probably cocaine, booze, LSD, whatever. If you're still alive, I hope you read this.

Just know that it's all your fault. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they say. But you don't give two shits about how I turn out anyway.

But I'll tell you this anyway. I have a girlfriend now. I love her and she loves me. Again, it's not like you give a fuck anyway. It's not gonna change much, seeing as you're never home in the first place, but I'm gonna move out.

Don't try to come after me. Don't come to my graduation ceremony. Don't even dare come to my wedding if I should get married. After all, there's a difference between a mother and a mom. Your brain must be fried from all those drugs you're taking, but you can guess which one of those two you are.

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