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TW: depiction of anxiety and of panic attacks

Bryce's PoV

"What, thought you could sleep in today?" I sit up from my bed as my wife wakes me up from my sleep. "I told you that my boss allowed me to have a day off today." I flash a smirk at her. "Now you owe me for waking me up early. Breakfast in bed?" She rolls her eyes. "You wish. Get up and have some real breakfast now, darling."

I sigh. "Fiiine. Also, I told you, call me everything but darling, that sounds weird to me." "What about 'lazy bum'? ...Yeah, that has a ring to it." I scoff in an amused way. "Right... You're tough to deal with sometimes, you know that, right?" She chuckles. "Well, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black." "Yeah, yeah, I love you too..." We share a kiss before we head towards the kitchen.

"Look who's finally gotten up! Good morning!" I nod towards Yuki before I go to make myself some tea. "Good morning to you too, M- ...Really?! You with your damn coffee!" ...What? "What...?" Yuki asks, somewhat hurt.

"Naomi... Are you alright?" That was a sudden outburst if I've ever seen one. "Yeah, I'm just hungry. Could settle for an onion, for some reason." ...For breakfast? What's the deal with her? Later, as she made her own tea, she sighs in frustration. "Great, now my tea is cold! Why'd I get out of bed at all?"

...She woke ME up, so why is she pissed?! Anyway, Naomi seems to calm down as we eat breakfast. "Bryce, don't you have work today?" I shake my head as Yuki asks that. "Nah. The boss gave me a day to relax." "More like a day to be lazy..."

Yeah, no, that's it, this has been going on for a week now. "What's the matter with you?!" She groans uneasily. "I don't know..." Suddenly, she runs off. "...Did something happen between you two?" I shake my head vehemently at Yuki's question. "No, definitely not!"

Then, I decide to use my brain... It's been quite some time after our wedding night... "OH, F-!"

Naomi's PoV

I pant heavily after I throw up. Now, it's gotta be certain... Sickness, mood swings... My eyes widen in shock at the possibility. "Fuck..." Suddenly, Bryce storms into the bathroom. "Naomi!" I turn to him with anxiety which I've possibly never felt before within me. "I... I think..."

Bryce's PoV

Naomi runs into my arms and starts to sob. I get it, the imagination of being pregnant can be quite a shock, I imagine... "There, there. I'll be with you," I mutter as I stroke her hair soothingly. Soon enough, once she calms down, I leave her to make a pregnancy test as I head into our room and sit down on our bed.

"Positive." She sits down next to me with a deep sigh as she confirms it. "That's...good, isn't it?" Naomi nods hesitantly. "Don't get me wrong, yes, I'm happy... But what if I mess up?" I lay a hand on her stomach. "You won't. You're strong. The baby will be happy to have you as their mother."

She bites her lip as she looks at me uncertainly. "You think so?" "If anything, I could fuck up. You know..." "Because your dad wasn't in your life?" "...Yeah." She puts her hand on mine. "It's alright. We can do this. We went through so much, we just can't give up now."

Yuki comes into the room. "I agree with her." Naomi's breath hitches as her mother looks at her. "Mom..." Before Naomi could explain herself, she gets hugged by her mom. "It's okay. A kid isn't something to be ashamed of. Could you get out for a bit? I need to talk to Bryce real quick." She nods and heads to the living room.

"...You're not gonna try to kill me, right? Because, you know, you always do that when you say you 'need to talk to me'." Yuki shakes her head. "Of course not. The child deserves to have a father, after all. Which means that you have to be there for my daughter too. You know, more than ever."

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