Fire In The Ice

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Bryce's PoV

I open my eyes and groan in annoyance. Yuki forbade us to use our phone alarms for now, so we have to make do with one of these annoying beeping alarm clocks. AT 7:45 AM, MIND YOU!

"Hey, school is starting today," I whisper in Naomi's ear. "I know, I know..." she groans. I walk over to the alarm clock and turn it off, resisting the urge to throw it out of the window.

I yawn as Naomi and I walk to school. "School breaks always fuck up my sleeping schedule..." Naomi yawns, too. "Tell me about it..." Suddenly, someone hugs us from behind. "What up, you two lovebirds?!" Naomi sighs. "Hey, Mikey..." "WOULD YOU LET US GO?!" I yell.

He does so. "Man, that ain't no way to greet a friend after so many weeks-!" "It's only been ONE week," I mutter. "Still, that's no way to greet a friend!" Suddenly, some tall guy starts running towards us and stops in front of Mikey. "Did you have to run that fast?!" he pants. "Sorry, babe!" Mikey replies, turning to the other guy.

"Did he just...?" "Yup, must be his new boyfriend." Naomi and I whisper to each other. Mikey turns back to us. "Oh, introducing: The love of my life! Babe, that's my childhood friend and his girl!" Naomi and I glance at Mikey awkwardly. "Uhm... I'm Bryce." "I'm Naomi," we say as we shake Mikey's boyfriend's hand. "How you doing? Sean Preston," he answers.

After a few more steps, Ronnie joins us. "What up, you four..." He takes his sunglasses off, looks at us in a baffled way and puts his sunglasses back on. "Four? Who's this guy?" "Mikey's boyfriend, Sean," I answer.

Ronnie chuckles. "Shit, I always knew you were queer! And, well, they say people like him have the biggest dicks, anyway." Sean looks at Ronnie. "What do you mean, people like me?" I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Oh my god," I mutter in embarrassment. "Y-You know, basketball players..." Ronnie says, clearly nervous. How many stereotypes are we gonna go through?!

"How do you know I play basketball?" Well, some ass kicking would be appropriate for Ronnie. Then, Sean laughs. "I'm just joking around with ya! I actually do play basketball, maybe we can shoot some hoops during break?" 

"Break? You're at our school?" Naomi asks. "Yeah, I'm a grade above y'all, a junior. We tend to hang out with our own kind." All of us nod understandingly. "So, you like older people too, blondie?" I smack the back of Ronnie's head. "Would you shut up?" "Man, chill out..." Ronnie says.

"Alright, I'll head to class, see y'all around!" Sean says. Mikey waves after him "See you, babe!" Then, he sighs. "Yeah, that's my guy..." Ronnie rams his elbow into Mikey's side. "Hey, blondie, get your head out of the skies, will ya?" "That hurt, you son of a-!"

"I wouldn't start a fight if I were you," I say, pointing at the principal standing right behind Mikey and Ronnie. "Good morning, boys!" the principal exclaims. Both yell in surprise and fear. "MR. REEDS, GOOD MORNING!" Ronnie and Mike yell before booking it to class.

"They really are looking forward to class," Mr. Reeds quips with a chuckle. "Yeah, we should go too." Naomi nods. "True." I take her hand in mine and notice the others looking at me judgingly. Yeah, she's still with me, even after Christmas break, believe it or not, assholes.

Naomi's PoV

I notice how the others look at Bryce with disdain. Then, they look at me with sympathy, not actually knowing, you know, THAT I'M HAPPY WITH BRYCE! LIKE, GEEZ, BACK OFF!

Selena (you know, that one chick that talked to me before and warned me about Bryce) decides to talk to me as soon as I sit down at my desk. "You're still with him, huh?" I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah..." I really am not in the mood for a conversation with her.

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