Parents Ain't Always Right

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TW: depiction of homophobic behaviour (as always, I gotta justify myself, homophobia ain't okay. I just want to demonstrate how horrible it can be. If you're unironically homophobic, as people say in Germany, lock yourself into a cell and throw the key away. Leggo)

Mikey's PoV

"Have a nice day!" I say to a customer with a smile. Matt, my higher-up, comes up to me. "Hey, you can leave, I can take over from here now." I shake my head. "Nah, no need, I'm good." Suddenly, my phone vibrates...

Sean's and Mikey's chat

S: babe could you come over? kinda important

M: Idk I'm at work

S: pleeease it is REALLY important actually!

Mikey's PoV

Crap. If Sean says it's really important, it means shit must be about to go down... "Actually, Matt, you can take over, I got something important to take care of!" As I run to the Prestons' house, I keep chatting with Sean.

Mikey's and Sean's PoV

M: Whats the matter

S: i'll tell you when you're there

M: No tell me now!

S: I just really need you that is all you need to know!

Mikey's PoV

God, I fucking hate it when he does that...

Catching my breath, I knock on the Prestons' door. Sean's dad opens the door. The usual bald dad in a white t-shirt and jeans guy. "Yeah?" "Your son wanted something from me?" Mr. Preston calls for his son right away.

Helplessly stuck, I stand around in the living room. Soon enough, Sean joins me and his dad. "Good, you're here, thank God!" he exclaims towards me.

As his mom comes in too, I lean in closer to Sean. "Is that supposed to be an intervention or something...?" He sighs softly. "Sorta." "What the..." "So, boy, what did you want from us?" Sean takes a deep breath before he answers his father's question.

"I have something to tell you."

Wait, what?! That should be a family matter! "Wait, what?! Why am I here?!" Sean's mom nods and points at me. "Right, why is one of your friends here?" "He is part of this matter!" I am about to leave before Sean grabs me by the hem of my shirt. "I need you..." he pleads quietly.

"Well? Out with it." Sean sighs as a few tears start welling up in his eyes. "Mom, Dad... I'm gay! And Mikey, he's not just a friend, he's my boyfriend! My partner for life!" His mother gasps as his dad looks at us with confusion. "You... With him...?" I lower my head and nod lowly. "Yeah. I'm your son's boyfriend."

Suddenly, Mr. Preston stands up from the couch. "And what about the arranged marriage?!" he yells. Sean begins to raise his voice as well. "Arranged marriage?! I never agreed to that! Where are the feelings?!" "You'll learn to love your wives!" Mrs. Preston butts in.

"I DON'T WANT TO! I want to live my own damn life! Without anyone controlling me! I thought that's why you moved here from Abuja! So your child can live freely!" "Freely?! More like mentally challenged!" Sean's tears turn into tears of anger as his father insults him. Then, he takes step after step towards his own dad.

"You know what?" He begins to shove Mr. Preston back until he falls onto the couch. "I'm sick of your stone age mindset! I'm sick of you never supporting my actual dreams! And I'm sick of being the perfect man for you!" Before Sean could actually do any harm to his dad, I hold him back. "Babe, stop! Those are your parents!" He spits in front of Mr. Preston. "I don't have such a thing anymore."

Then, he turns to me. "Let me live with you. I don't think there's anything left for me anymore." "Not like we want you anymore!" "YOU BETTER SHUT UP, OR ELSE I'LL BREAK YOUR-!" Before Sean could finish his threat, he grumbles in rage. "I'll just pack my things..."

"Well. Didn't expect this to go any other way..." I mutter to myself as I wait for Sean outside. "Sorry, there's been quite some stuff in there..." We both look towards the window as Sean's parents look at us from inside the house with scornful looks on their faces. "Do you really think living with me is fine?" He scoffs. "That house can burn, and these two with it." "Do not let Bryce hear this..."

As I and Sean walk back to my house, I remember that I haven't told my parents that I'm late. Better change that.

Mikey's and Drake's chat

M: Hey dad

D: Dang I thought you were dead or something! :D

M: Nah I'm fine lmao

M: Anyway sorry for coming home late but I gotta ask ya something

D: Sure, shoot boy-o

M: Can Sean stay with us? He cant stay at his place no more

D: Hold up lemme ask mom real quick

D: Why the heck not! Tbh I always wanted to have a bed-and-breakfast! :D

M: Alright thx luv ya

Mikey's PoV

As soon as we enter my room, Sean lies down on my bed. "Large enough for the both of us, perfect!" I chuckle. "Well, didn't want you to sleep on the couch, now. What about your suitcase?" Sean shakes his head. "Nah, fuck it, I'll take care of that later."

I lie down next to him. "Well, then forget the stress. We oughta be alright now." Sean nods as he takes his hand in mine. "I'm so glad that I found you." I giggle before giving him a peck on the lips. "Glad to have you in my life too," I reply.

Sean's PoV

I feel his embrace and immediately lose myself in his arms. Finally, a place where I can be myself. Be free.


Ah, wasn't that a wholesome end to a (rather short) chapter? Well, throw that out the window for the next one. (spoiler: anxiety will be a big part of the next one). Anyway, ciao!

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