Chapter 5

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Third Pov:
They saw Bella laying there with pill bottles next to her. "No,no,no, no, Bella, Bell.!!! Please wake up, Charlie needs you remember. You said you didn't want to leave him. Please wake up!!" Jacob yelled. Sam carried her outside and put her inside the car. "I will take her to the hospital, somebody called Charile." He ordered.

Jacob decided he will tell Charlie. When he told Charile, Charlie was crying and hurry up and got inside the car and Jacob he was on his way. Finally he got there and ran to everyone, "How is she? What happened? Why?" He asked fast. Paul was sitting there looking guilty. "It's my fault sir. You see I didn't like Bella, for no reason at all and I didn't notice that I was hurting her feelings. Apparently she only felt good around me but I was blinded by hate to notice it. I'm so sorry." He explained then Jacob started talking as well.

"It's not all Paul fault though. Edward had say some things to Bella that made her insecure, so Paul rejection reminded her of what Edward told her and so she hurted herself." Jacob quickly defended Paul. Even if he was mad at Paul, he still blame Edward more though. "Well, then I won't be to mad at you Paul, but if my daughter ever to do this again a bullet will go in you. As for Edward, I never liked him anyway, so now I more reasons not to liked him."

Eventually, the doctor came to everyone. "Who is the parent/guardian?" He asked. Charlie raised his hand. "My name is Charile Swan, I'm her father." He answered. "Alright, well Charile your daughter is doing fine now. Bella has gotten surgery now and she will wake up soon. However I do suggest getting her a therapist, we found cuts on her arms as well. So, overdoes and cuts isn't good." The doctor responded back. Charlie thanks him, then thought about what he said.

"How will I find her a therapist though? There isn't a lot here in forks. Billy had gotten an idea. "What about I be her therapist? So that way you won't have to stress over this." He suggested which Charile likes. Well, she do know Billy, and I trust him as well. So why not. He thought to himself, then officially told Billy it's a deal.

4 hours later and Bella woke up. "Dad?" She asked seeing Charlie there. "Where am I?" She also asked confused. Charlie explained to her, she was at the hospital after overdoses on pills. "I'm so sorry Dad. I didn't want too, I swear. I didn't want to leave you again." She apologized while crying a lot. Charlie immediately rocked her back & forth repeatedly saying "it's not your fault sweetheart. It's ok, I am not mad, just worried about you." Charlie even told her how Billy offered to be her therapist. Bella didn't mind this however she thought about Paul though.

Which speaking about him, he came inside Bella room. "Bell, Paul would like to speak to you. I already threatened that if he hurts you again, a bullet will goes into him. Anyway do you want to speak with him?" Bella laughed at her dad overprotectiveness which she likes now, anyway she also said yes. So Charlie left to give them their space.

"Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't know how serious I was hurting you. I swear on my life, I would never want you to die. Please don't do this again." He apologized and begged. "Thank you Paul. It means a lot. I promise I won't do it again." She replied back. Then she sigh, and got sad again.

"Paul. Do you think we can be friends? I don't know what I am feeling but I do know, is that I don't care what we are, as long as we're friends." Paul shook his head yes. "Do you why you are like this? And what do it have to do with me?" He asked curiously.

"Honestly no. This is why I wished Jasper was here. He could read my emotions and tell me why I am acting this way, especially since he knows everything." She admitted. Both Bella and Paul just sat there in silence.

"Bella? Do you want me to go get everyone else because I'm pretty sure they want to see you are ok as well. Especially, Jacob, Leah and Seth." Bella excitedly shook her head yes. I can't wait to see Seth, well everyone else as well but I was suppose to hang out with Seth before I overdose. Paul then came in with everyone and Seth immediately hugged Bella. "I miss you Bella. Don't ever do that again." He told her, while squeezing her so tight. Bella kinda laughed at this. "Don't worry I won't. Also, me and you can hang out tomorrow or sometime soon since we were supposed to before." She explained back.

She told everyone else the same thing each time they hugged her. Billy also told her that he means what he said to Charile about being her therapist, so she is going to have (when she is ready) opened up about some things and other things she can tell the woman's instead. Bella loved that idea, since half of the stuff she went through are for women anyway. Eventually the doctor let her go home since she was fine now.

Charlie usually wouldn't want boys in his house especially in Bella room when he isn't there, but this is the only exception. Bella needed Paul, Charlie know what will happen if he separated them two, so instead the rules are they can't be in Bella room unless he have friends over and they take over the living room. So, Paul and Bella are in the living room cuddling with each other.

Hmm, she's actually not that bad. Paul thought to himself. "Have you guys found anything on Victoria yet?" She asked. "Nope, however they're looking." He replied back. "Ok, so when do you go on patrol?" Paul forgot all about that. "Um, honestly I don't know. However, if you want me to stay I will. I believe Sam would understand." Bella didn't want him go, however she knew they need to take turn patrolling especially since they need to sleep as well.

"Well, if you need to go, then you can. Just leave something of yours here with me, so I can pretend you're still here me. As long as I know we're still good, I think I'm fine with you going." Paul actually smiled at this and then gave her his sweater.

Paul Lathoe x Bella Swan Where stories live. Discover now