Mr.Rarely wrong P2

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Your POV

"You can be so damn stubborn but I like you too." I say. He wraps an arm around your waist, smiling. "You... You do?" He says
absolutely shocked. "I do. Plus I'm not all that good with talking to feels easy with you. Plus you've already seen me naked." I say with a smile. He chuckles.

"I guess you have a point. It would be pretty hard to be more awkward than that." He says. "You're the first man to see me naked by the way." I say. He smirks. "I really don't know how to react to that, but I suppose I am honored." He says. "You're welcome." I say with a smile.

He smiles, and pulls me closer to him. "I suppose this means we're in a relationship now." He says. "I guess it does." I say and kiss him again. He kisses me back, smiling as he puts his free hand on my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck.

He wraps his free arm around me as well, holding me close to him as he deepens the kiss. "Mmm" I say enjoying the kiss. He seems to enjoy this, as he pulls me even closer to him while kissing we deeply. I kiss him passionately. He deepens the kiss even more, pulling me fully into his arms and kisses me with even more passion and desire.

I pull away but stays close looking up at him. "I wasn't expecting this." I say. He  chuckles, looking down at me as the corner of his lip curls up. "Neither was I, to be honest. But the fact that it happened, I don't regret a single second." He says making me blush. "I'm glad." I say smiling softly.

He smiles, as he touches my chin again and pulls me back in, kissing me again. I kiss him again. He smiles, as he pulls me against his chest, still kissing me passionately. I run my hands through his hair. He seems to enjoy this a lot, smiling wider as he keeps kissing me.

He seems reluctant to let go of me for a second. I add tongue into the kiss and let out a soft moan. He pulls me even closer to him by my hips. He kisses me more passionately and almost desperately, not wanting to let go of me. I hold his shoulders. He wraps both his arms around me, pulling me harder against him while we kiss more passionate and seductively.

He keeps kissing, not wanting to pull away anytime soon. He seems to be loving my moans, and starts to push one of his hands into my hair as he kisses me with a lot of passion and desire. I moan into the kiss holding him tight. He deepens the kiss even more, keeping his grip on me as he pulls me as close as he can. He keeps kissing passionately, as his fingers begin to slowly caress my hair.

I pull away for air. He's desperate to keep my mouth on his. He pulls me back in to kiss me, as he makes sure my hair is out of my face. He puts a hand on your side and pulls you even closer, as he starts to kiss my neck. I hop up and wraps my arms and legs around him.

He smirks and enjoys my sudden movement. He supports me by my ass, as he leans back so he can keep kissing me. He whispers "I think I love you...". "I love you too." I say. (This is not something you tell someone who you just met. This man but I love him.) He looks down at you with a soft smile.

"You mean that...?" He ask. (He's so fucking cute like this.) A genuine smile spreads across his face as he waits for my response. "I do even though we just met I do." I say. He smiles, wrapping his arms around me and pulling you closer. He kisses me passionately.

"I guess... I love you too. From the moment our eyes met. And the longer it's been, the more my love for you has grown..." He says. We kiss deeply, as his hands continue to caress up and down the sides of my body. I pull away and kiss his neck. The way he feels my is amazing. His grip on me tightens, as he runs his fingers through my hair.

His lips softly meet my neck as he kisses it passionately. He pulls away for a second. "How about we move somewhere more comfortable." He says. Yes please, it's kind of hard clinging to you while you stand up.


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