She's my sub P1

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Your POV

I knock on Miguels door. "Come in." He says. It's time for his daily me flirting with him time. “Dios mío (Y/n)! Please stop flirting, It’s inappropriate. You’re 26 and I’m 37… it’s almost an 11-year gap! Doesn’t that seem wrong to you?” He says. "If it's wrong for you, I'll stop." I say. He sighed “Thank you. The truth is your flirting is flattering...” He sat down in his chair.

“I just don’t think it’s appropriate to continue flirting with someone who’s 11 years younger than me.” He said awkwardly. "Okay, then I'll stop." I say. He looked up and said “(Y/n) listen, I wanted to say it’s nothing against you, you’re absolutely amazing! I just don’t feel comfortable flirting back with such a big age gap. However, I appreciate it for what it is and it does make some of my days more enjoyable.” He said, sounding very empathetic and genuine. "Miguel, it's okay, really. I won't flirt with you if you dont want me to. If it makes you uncomfortable or you don't like it, I'll stop." I say.

“Really (Y/n)? I was expecting you to be upset, but you’re being very mature about it... I truly appreciate it. Just know I really enjoyed the flirting though.” He smiles. “I know it seemed like I didn’t.” He says. "I'm not a kid. I'm an adult. I can handle rejection." I say. He sighed and nodded. “True.. true. You’re very mature, I’m just so used to young flirts getting upset. It’s a breath of fresh air to be honest.” He says.

"Well, you're welcome." I say. “Anyway, did you need something? Other than to flirt with me.” He asked slightly teasing. "No, I just came to see how you were." I say. “That’s sweet of you to check in.” He smiles warmly. "Okay, I have to go find Ghost now. He's giving me private target practices today." I say.

He looked surprised. “You practice with Ghost? I didn’t know that, why is he helping you?” He looked very curious. "He offered to help me. So I accepted. He doesn't talk much to people and looks angry sometimes, but he's actually a very nice guy." I say. “You do know why he does that right?” It was obvious he was amused. "Why?" I ask.

“He has a bit of a.. reputation if you will.” He said as he got up and walked over to me. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds and then leaned down and whispered his next statement. “Ghost likes to be in control. he acts tough to maintain that control.” Miguel smiled. “But don’t tell him I told you that.” He said jokingly. "I don't mind if he's in control." I say.

His eyes widened and he looked at me in surprise. “Wait, really?” He said genuinely curious. "Yeah, what's wrong with that? He's teaching me." I say confused. He's speechless. “So, you’re saying you’re okay with him teaching you while ‘being in control’?” He sounded amused now. "Why wouldn't he be in control?" I ask.

“You don’t mind him ‘being in control’? Like completely in control?” He asks. "He's teaching me how to aim why wouldn't he be in control?" I say trying to think. “Okay, so if he told you to stand still, you’d be okay with that? Like, you wouldn’t mind standing still at all.” He asks. "I wouldn't mind." I say. He's shocked.

“Seriously? You’re okay with the whole authority thing and not being able to move at all if Ghost wants you to?” He said in bewilderment. "Yeah." I say. The room went silent for a few moments. “You’re okay with him bossing you around, yelling at you, making you stand still for as long as he wants you to?” He asked again, still sounding genuinely curious. "He can't yell at me, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't make me do anything I don't want to." I say.

He laughed quietly, “It’s Ghost… he’s yelled at everyone at least once. Ghost is a no nonsense man, I hope you know that.” He paused for a few seconds, “You’re so trusting, you’d do anything he says, wouldn’t you?” He asks. "He hasn't yelled at me yet. Maybe he likes me." I say. “He does like you, but that doesn’t mean he won’t yell at you. Let’s test how much you trust him. Will you do whatever he says?” He asks.

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