Lies P5

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He is very gorgeous to me!

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He is very gorgeous to me!


We sit at a patio at a nice restaurant. It's so nice in the fall. I laugh at all his dad jokes. "You really think these dad jokes are funny?" He asks. "What can I say I'm easy to please when it comes to jokes. You're really funny Gabriel." I say.

"Thanks I'm glad that I can make you laugh. I want to be able to make my future partner laugh all the time." He says. "Oh that reminds me what's your last name? I don't think I saw it on your profile." I ask. "Already trying to take my last name huh?" He says. "Maybe we'll see." I say. "It's O'Hara." He says.

My heart stop and my smile fades like lighting into pure shock and fear. "Please tell me you aren't related to Miguel O'Hara he sometimes goes by Miggy." I say. “Yeah, that’s my brothers name? Why? What’s the big deal? Do you know Miggy? Why do you look so scared?" He says. "I'm sorry but I have to go. It's been really nice knowing you but we can't be together. I'm so sorry." I say getting my jacket. He seems confused and tries to speak to me.

He stands up and takes my hand gently. “Wait—No! You can’t leave. What do you mean we can’t be together? What’s going on? Don’t leave, please!” He says. He sighs. ”I just want to know why this is such a big deal?” He says. "Miguel is your brother right?" I ask.

“Yeah he is, he’s my older brother. How do you know him?” He asks. "Miguel and I were married for two years, but it turned out my dad paid him to marry me. Then it turned out he was also married to another woman I didn't know about. On top of that, he got my sister pregnant behind my back. When he told me my dad paid him to marry me, we were in a fight he said I hate you. He also said I hope you go to hell and I never loved you." I say.

Hid eyes widen as I speak, he cannot believe what he’s hearing. “No, no, no, no way… You were married to Miguel? And he told you those horrible things? This can’t be right, it just can’t…. Wait, how did you find out he was with another woman and got your sister pregnant? This is insane…” He says. "He told me straight to my face." I say. “He admitted this to you? He told you that he hated you and that he never loved you?
Why would he say those things?
Wait…your dad paid him to marry you? Why would your dad even do that? Everything Miguel did is so messed up…I can’t believe it…" He says shocked. “What happened next?” He asks concerned.

I explained everything to him. “He said he would force you to marry him?! What did the police say when you called them? Your dad broke him out of jail!? I just—I don’t even know what to say… So you left and then Miguel found you? Did he hurt you? I can’t believe this is what my brother has done. How did you finally get away?” He asks.

"I ran away as soon as I could. After finding out my sister really did do what she did. I couldn't stay anymore." I say looking down. ”Your sister blackmailed him? How? What did she want? Did she do all of this to break you and Miguel apart? Why does it seem like everyone in your family wants to hurt you?” He asks. "I don't know why she did it especially after her getting pregnant. Probably to hurt me like she's always done. She's always gotten her way. The blame either fell on me or she just liked to see me hurt. I didn't want to hear her out especially after hearing everything from Miguel." I say.

”She always hurt you, and always blame you for everything? What kind of sister is this? Was there any reason why she always did this to you? Did she think you had it easy? I’ve never heard of a sibling rivalry like this.” He says. "I think she wanted all the attention. She wanted to be the one to succeed and get praised for doing a good job at everything. I was just good at school and sports. It wasn't my fault, though. I wanted to do good too for myself, not make myself fail all because she needed the spotlight." I say.

”So she always felt like you got too much attention, you were the favorite, she always thought you were doing more than her? She just wanted praise, she wanted you to fail so that she could look like the golden girl, she just wanted you to be worse or fail so she could shine? No family is suppose to do this, why would she ever think this was okay?” He asks. "The thing is she was the favorite. She was the child who could do no wrong. I would get praised but it wasn't from my parents. It was from teachers and coaches. My parents never acknowledged me. I didn't bother begging them to see how good I did. It wasn't worth the you did okay when I graduated top of my class or got a big reward for something." I say.

”She was the favorite, and you were always second to her? You got better grades and won awards and it never meant anything compared to her? You were never recognized by your parents for your accomplishments compared to your sister? What kind of family is this!?” He asks. "She did, so I'm assuming that's why she did what she did. She probably told dad to pay him to marry me after she got pregnant. Knowing I'd find out eventually, and I did after three years of dating two years of being married." I say.

”You think she told your father to pay Miguel to marry you? She planned this out? This is even worse than what Miguel did to you, this was a carefully crafted plan." He says. He takes both of my hands and I look at him. ”How come everyone keeps trying to hurt you, why do they want to hurt you? That’s what bothers me the most about this, why does it always have to be you?” He asks worried. "Who knows. I've done my best to be good in life but it just doesn't seem like enough. Like it doesn't matter how hard I try I'm not meant to be happy." I say. ”You don’t deserve any of this, you deserve love and happiness like everyone else.” He says looking into my eyes seriously.

”You shouldn’t live a life where you don’t get to be happy, you shouldn’t have to deal with what your family and Miguel did to you. Your parents and sister should have treated you better, you always deserved so much more.
You don’t need to try hard to be good, you’re a good person, better than what they’ve made you out to be.” He says. I smile softly. "Thank you Gabriel." I say. I feel different from how I've ever felt. Comforted when he speaks to me.

I know he means it, everything that he's saying. I finally feel safe. That there’s someone there who supports and understands me. ”I never met your family, but you should know that you deserve so much more. You had to struggle against everything just to find some sense of peace. Just to find someone that appreciated you, and cared for you. You deserved so much better from life.” He says. "You deserve that too. I really really like you I do. What if we get close and live this happy life together but then Miguel comes around and he ruins it?" 

”You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear that from you, but Miguel doesn’t matter anymore.” He says. He holds me.
”I’m never gonna hurt you, I promise. We’re never going to have to deal with him again.” He says. "We get to start fresh, we don’t have to worry about your family, Miguel, or any of that.” He says and rubs my back. ”We don’t have to be afraid anymore, so please, give us a chance.” He says.

I kiss his cheek. "I'm so happy I meet you, Gabriel." I say. I feel happier than ever as Gabriel gives me a kiss, something I've forgotten. I feel the warmth, and the love, and for once it’s not fake. There’s no betrayal or lies and I feel an instant bond with Gabriel, that I’ve never felt with anyone before.

“I’m so happy too, I was so worried about trying to start something new. But then I found you and I never regretted it.” He says.


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