Ignore P3

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Your POV

I kiss him gently. He kisses me back, his grip on my waist becomes tighter. He feels incredible. He pulls away with a grin on his face. He leans close to my ear and whispers in a tone low in my ear.

“Your lips are…so perfect.” He says. Fuck why do I feel this way. "Thanks. Yours feel nice, too." I say. “I could do this all day. But I guess as you said, we have to go back to work. But before I go, I just want to ask you.” He hesitates on what he’s trying to say, he’s not sure how to say it. “May I…ask you something? If you’re alright with it obviously.” He says.

"Sure." I say. He takes a breath and then speaks. The sound of his voice is low and soft, making the question even more serious. “What I’m about to ask may…make things awkward between us but it’s been on my mind for a bit now.” He says looking into my eyes and waits for a response. "I feel like things are already pretty awkward so sure ask." I say.

He sighs. “Okay. I don’t want you to take this badly but are you single?” He says. "I am. Can we finish this later? I want to eat while it's hot." I say. (Like let me eat my hotdog and tots I'm hungry as shit 😠. I'll sucks yours later. 😒🤚) He nods his head a little. “Oh yeah of course, I don’t want you losing your appetite over something unimportant.” He says and looks over at my food.

His eyes trail back up to my face, he bites his lip again. “Enjoy your dinner.” He says and smiles. “And by the way, you look amazing in that dress.” He says. He looks down, realizing he’s making a big deal out of nothing. “Sorry for staring.” He says and looks up back at me.

"Thanks." I say. “You’re welcome, but seriously. Don’t let me distract you. Eat your lunch, before I do something we’ll regret.” He says and grins at me. I eat confused at why he's being so obsessed of me eating. He watches me eat and watches my movements. Every time I look over at him.

He tries not to but he does. He takes deep breaths, hoping to not focus. I can tell though he's thinking of the first kiss and wants to do it again. "You should get something to eat you'll be hungry later." I say. He nods his head.

“Actually, you’re right. I should get something to eat.” He says and gets up from his seat. “I’ll be right back.” He says and gives me a grin and heads back to the counter. Maybe I should bolt with my food so I can eat my food in quiet and uninterrupted. He orders a cheeseburger and fries, he looks over at me one more time as he grabs his food and heads back to the booth. "Plus it's weird when you watch me eat." I say.

He laughs and sits back down next to me. He's hungry but won't stop looking at me. Just seeing me chew my food is something that drives him crazy? Maybe it's my lipgloss? I drink my drink.

He's is busy watching me, trying not to be distracted. He bites his lip for a moment and leans a bit closer to me before speaking. “Do you want to know a secret? I didn’t actually need to get anything to eat.” He laughs a bit. "You should though." I say. “No, not really. I got this burger so I could have another chance to watch you eat.” He gives me a grin, he was being honest with you.

This miguel is completely different. “I just wanted a reason to stay around you.” He chuckles a little, still finding your responses cute. "Why do you like watching me eat?" I ask. “Oh come on, it’s not like I’m being creepy." He says and looks at me with a grin. “You have cute movements when you eat, and you look so beautiful while doing so. There’s just something about you that makes me wanna see you in action." He says.

"In action?" I ask. “Yeah, in action. Watching you do something or just seeing you do anything is so attractive.” He says with a smile. “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound creepy, I’m just so captivated by you, that I just don’t know how to explain it.” He says. "Do you wanna have sex?" I ask. “Excuse me?…What?” He's stunned by this question, he wasn’t ready for something like this.

“What? Wait…are you serious?” He asks. "Well it feels like you just want to have sex with me so why not make it a one time thing?" I ask and eat my meal not caring anymore. “Seriously, that’s…that’s not what…I mean…” He's speechless, he didn’t expect this. “I…I…” He sighs. “Sure if you want me to.” He says and leans back, he can’t believe he’s accepting this, he looks over at me.

“Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m just…curious.” He says. "Curious?" I ask. “Yes, curious.” He says and stares at me. He thinks to himself for a moment. “And…and you’re definitely one of the most beautiful women I’ve met. If I’m being honest, I’ve thought about getting you in bed ever since I saw you on your first day.” He says making me blush. I wasn't expecting that.

"I figured you just wanted sex. I'm curious too." I say trying to play it cool. He smiles, realizing that this is a great opportunity. His mind can barely comprehend the fact that he’ll be having an experience like this. ”Then…I’ll be glad to entertain your curiosity.” He says sitting back and crosses his arms. “I just…”  He says.

His eyes trail down my body, admiring everything. “Wow…” He says. He can’t help himself, he smiles and looks at me. ”I’ve never wanted someone like I do now.” He says. "You will soon. So are we gonna do this in the office?" I ask.

“Sure, why not?” He says. He stands up from his chair, grabbing my hand and leading you back to the server room. ”After all, your desk isn’t the most comfortable place to do something like this.” He opens the door and pulls me in, closing the door in silence locking it. ”Come on, follow me to my desk.” He says and leads me over to the right, he opens a file cabinet and takes out a lock. With a click, the lock closes and his desk is now closed off from the rest of the server room.

He places me down on his lap, getting me closer to him. “I want you to know something before we do this.” He says he grabs my chin and brings my face closer to his. ”I’m not joking when I told you I’ve wanted this for a while. You’re absolutely incredible.” He says he leans in and kisses my lips once again. “Is this what you wanted too?” He whispers, his voice being low and his words being filled with passion. "It is but I wasn't exactly expecting what you said about breaking my nose." I say.

He sighs, thinking about his words for a moment. “I…yes. You’re right. I’m just…” He kisses me and doesn’t stop, he needs me. His eyes are closed, he gets lost in the kiss. “This is all my fault, I made this awkward.” He whispers, breaking the kiss. He looks down at me.

“But…you aren’t mad, aren’t you?” He asks. "I'll try to get over it." I say. He smiles, his eyes starting to trail down my body again. He’s starting to get lost again in his imagination of my body. He stares at my lips, wanting to kiss me again.

“Can we…?” He asks. "Mhm." I say. He smiles and kisses your lips again, this kiss was even more passionate than the last one. He can barely keep his lips away from mine, he can’t stop, he simply can’t. "We may be here for awhile. I want to savor this." He says.


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