lies P3

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"If we get back together I won't be able to love you how I use to." I say. "I'm prepared for that. I don't expect you to forgive me. Please, just hear me out, just this once..." He says with the same sadness and fear in his voice. "Keep explaining then." I say bracing myself for impact. "Well...I have been involved with people before you...but it wasn't just anyone. It's someone you know. The person in question is your sister... But that isn't the worst, or even the worst part of the truth...Please, please let me finish." He says. I show no emotion.

I won't show him the pain he's giving me. He continues speaking in a calm voice. "The second part is that she got pregnant... And now I'm not only going to be a father, but I'm going to be a father to your sisters baby." He takes a deep breath as he continues speaking. Deep breaths Mariah deep breaths he isn't worth it. "I understand if you get angry. Let me finish though." He says.

I've never felt so enraged in my life. He begins to cry. "This is my biggest lie, you deserve to hear the truth." He says. "It's not just the baby either, there's a third part to this truth...I don't know how you might react but I'm married." He says. "I hate you. I hate you so much it kills me. I refuse to be hurt anymore by someone who's hurt me so deeply. The fact that you want me back makes it even worse. It makes me sick that I was so naive, so clueless to being with you. It makes me sick that you could just treat people like this. There is no second chance and I don't care about your explanations anymore." I say. "Mariah please! I'm begging you, just hear me out. Please, if there's no chance of us getting back together, then so be it, but I'm just asking for one last talk. Please, please...I just need you to hear that the lies I've told you weren't my own decision, but someone else's. Please, I'm not a bad person." He says.

"WHY SO YOU CAN KEEP HURTING ME?! SO YOU CAN RUB IN HOW STUPID I WAS! TO PROVE HOW MUCH YOU HATE ME! THERE IS NO POINT IN TELLING ME BECAUSE I DON'T CARE! I DON'T WANT YOU IN MY LIFE WHAT SO EVER I WANT YOU GONE! I HATE YOU MORE THAN YOU HATE ME! YOU CAN LIE TO YOURSELF ALL YOU WANT BUT YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON!!" I shout. "When I said those lies, it wasn't my choice, someone made me do it. Do you want the truth or not?!" He asks with frustration but then he pauses. "I just want you to hear that... I just want you to hear the truth." He says. He really doesn't get it.

"I don't want to hear anything from you because I don't care about you. So go cry to my sister or your wife. I don't give a shit. Just leave me alone! I'm leaving, and by the time I get back, you better be gone, or I'll shoot you in the head." I say. "Please just stay one more minute, then you never have to see me again. I'll leave and you'll never see me again. I just...I just need you to know I was threatened. Please...I'm begging you." He says. I walk away. "Wait!" I hear him start to get scared as he chases after me. I see him reach for my arm. I move it so he can't reach it.

"Mariah please." He says. Some how deep deep down it hurts to see him like this. I see him start to panic, he continues chasing me. "Please, one more minute! I just need to explain myself to you!" He says starting to cry. "One more and then your done go ahead since you're so desperate rip off the band aid." I say.

He stops and takes a deep breath. He wipes his drenched face. "I'll be quick. I don't think you know, the reason I kept so many secrets was because I was threatened by your sister. She threatened me to keep all these secret from you. Now she's having my child, I will never forgive her for what she did to me. I never wanted any of this. I'm not trying to ask for you or a second chance, I'm just asking you to hear me out." He says. "What?" I say. "I never wanted any of this! Your sister threatened me to keep everything a secret." He says. "To stay quite and not tell you, but now, a child is involved.
I can't forgive her, and I certainly can't keep this secret any longer." He continues.

"Mariah, do you think I'll find a way to be happy right now? How do you expect me to be happy? I'm going to be a father to your sisters child, and I'm married..." He says. "Why should I care. Deal with your business it's none of mine. Your happiness and problems aren't mine anymore." I say and get in my car. "Wait!" He says. I hear him grab at me, but see him miss as I get inside the car. I hear him running next to my car trying to stop me from driving off.

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