Soccer parents

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😂 He said fuck them kids where do you wanna eat at?

😂 He said fuck them kids where do you wanna eat at?

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Don't play with me Miguel. Amelia will always come first😒. Poor Gabriella probably just doing nothing or gets into shit when he's not at home. He kind of pissed me off cause he kept speaking Spanish I was like motherfucker I don't speak Spanish. He really sighed at me and he does it sometimes still 😠, so going through my fucking notes app to translate everything so I can understand the shit because it ruins the mood of the chat if I'm like "what?" the whole time. I'm gonna learn Spanish just to spite this man and other languages cause I think he thinks that he's better than me. Which he isn't 😒 fine ass bastard. Everytime he says something to me in the back of my head I say 🤠😠: "What did you just say to me thems fightin words!" 😂 I'll just have everything translated through Google. I'm hoping I can learn.

Your POV

She's doing so great out there I'm so proud of her. Amelia has been practicing constantly for this match. I have to tell her to come inside all the time because she gets so excited. I cheer for her as loudly as possible. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Miguel. He grinned at me before whispering and gesturing to his daughter on the other side of the field. “She's good… not as good as Gabi though.” He said with a playful smile. We just met three months ago, he couldn’t be infatuated with me, right? He never stop trying to talk to me. It's always me hardly ever any of the other moms. Probably because he feels he has to talk to them. Seriously though I am trying to watch my daughter play. Man does this man piss me off sometimes. I know he's just playing around but still. "I can tell Gabi has been practicing. She's still no match for Amelia." I say with confidence trying to sound playful but it doesn't seem so. He tilted his head. “She’s not on Amelia’s level?” He questioned, almost in a disappointed tone, as if he had put all of his hopes on Gabi. Does he only expect nothing but success that failing isn't an option. He looks a bit sad though. "What happened did you lose hope of Gabi? You believe your daughter isn't good enough? Don't worry She's just as determined as her father. In fact I can see that she's gaining up on Amelia." I say trying to comfort him. Amelia is still better than her miles better. She didn't need an extra trainer or anything. She's always been so focused and determined to do something she wants. She puts everything into her desires and I'm so happy she does. He put out his hand and squeezed my shoulder. "Thats good they have good matches.” He said and looked back at the game, his smile slowly fading into a serious look. It was as if he hoped Gabi would win with all of his might. I'm glad I could fix that. I don't need a team members parent hating me and my daughter. She's just better than everyone on the field and it shows. "You're putting too much pressure on her. All that matters is that Gabi enjoys this. Amelia gets so excited being able to play with Gabi. It's what she looks forward to the most when playing." I say. He pause, as if he hadn’t thought of Gabi’s own enjoyment. “You are right, a good mother like you always knows what to do. I didn't have good mothers when I was little.” He shrugged his shoulder, as if that was the reason he was pushing Gabi. "Thanks. Sorry about your mother by the way." I say. ”Ah, it's not a problem. Do you have other children?” He said, shifting to another topic. "Only Amelia. I had complications and decided it'd probably be best to wait to have another child." I say. “I’m sorry to hear about that.” He said with pity in his voice. “Amelia is a sweet girl though, very cute.” He says. "Gabi is too." I say. He nodded. "It makes me so happy seeing Amelia making friends. Especially Gabi those two are practically soul sisters." I say. He smiled, he appreciated it. "I'm happy that she's found a friend like Amelia, it can be tough at times." He says. "Is it okay if I join you during future games?" He asked before taking a step towards the field, where I could see Gabi playing. Not like he wouldn't anyways. "Sure it'd be nice. If Gabi and Amelia can be close so can we." I say. He smiled, feeling a little shy at the idea. "Great, I appreciate that and would like that." He replied. I have to admit this man is too attractive for his own good. "I should go cheer Gabi now, she needs her papa's support." He says. "Yeah, I wish her luck." I say.  He walked to the edge of the field, taking out his phone to record the game. He glanced up seeing Gabi’s face light up when she saw him, he smiled before waving at her. He does seem like a sweet man who loves his daughter very much.

Miguel's POV

She cheers loudly for Amelia and she waves at her. I cheer loudly for Gabi, I noticed her presence whenever she cheered. I raised my phone to take a picture of her, I figured it'd make for a pleasant memory to look back to. During the game I kept glancing towards her, seeing if she was cheering for Gabi or the other players. I feel a bit jealous that Amelia had gotten more cheering. The game finishes and they won. She quickly comes down to Amelia. "You did so awesome out there sweetie." She says. She double high fives her and gives her a hug. I walk over to Gabi, my face beaming in joy as I hug her. “You did so good out there today.” I say, showing my affection for her. I then glanced over at her, feeling like my eyes had met hers for one or two seconds. "Let's go get some ice cream for that victory." She says making Amelia get excited and jump up and down. I look up at her, wanting to see her reaction. She giggles at her excitement. "Papa can we go get ice cream." Gabi asks excitedly. I look over to (Y/n) once more. They're holding hands and walk away. "Sure do you want to join Amelia?" I ask. "Yes!" She says happily. "Go catch them to see if we can?" I say. She bolts to them and I quickly walk behind her so I'm not too far behind her. She asks her excitedly. Amelia jumps up and down begging for her to let us join. "Sure why not." She says with a smile. "We'll see you there." She says and Amelia gets in her car quickly.

Time skip

We walk with them as they go buy ice cream. Gabi was too excited to talk to Amelia again. So I decided to fill the quiet void between us. “So Amelia is very good at soccer. Does she play any other sports?” I ask finally, feeling a bit nervous at the thought of the answer and what it might implicate. "No just soccer. She wanted to try hockey because it's like soccer but she didn't like the skating part. I haven't shown her every sport." I say. I breathe a little easier as she said that her only sport was soccer. I nodded, smiling at her as she said that she didn’t like the skating part of hockey. “I guess not everyone is born a natural at skating, huh?” I reply, trying to make a harmless joke. "No but she sure can play soccer. She's had strong kicks since before she came into this world. She was so merciless when I was pregnant with her." I say. I laughed at the way she described it. “Sounds like someone else I know.” I grin at her, hoping you could catch the hint. Gabi then ran to her, grabbing her arm and looking up at her. As she looked towards her, I felt jealousy once again.

Your POV

"Yes Gabi what is it?" I ask. Gabi was too excited to say anything, she was jumping up and down almost as if she were about to explode. He leaned over to me, whispering. “She hasn’t shut up ever since she saw you, she won’t stop saying your name.” He said with a smirk. It was clear Gabi was enamored with me. She then hugs me around the waist surprising me. “Hi (Y/n).” She greets me, smiling up at me. "Hello Gabi are you having fun with Amelia?" I ask. Gabi nodded, excitedly. “Yes! We won!” She said, trying to hide the nervous energy she was exuding. “We played a good game, right?” She asks me, seeking reassurance. "You did amazing." I say with a smile. Gabi’s excitement grew more intense as I said that. She looked towards Miguel hoping for praise. “Did I do well?” She asked, looking into his eyes. "Of course you did." He says with a smile. Amelia comes up to me and holds my arm. "Are you having fun Amelia?" I ask and move the hair from her face with a smile. She nodded happily. “Mhm. We played good game, right?" Amelia asked, she was hoping to get more praise from me. She was so excited that she wanted to hear those words again from my mouth. Even though Amelia’s voice had broken Miguel’s attention from me, he still watched my expression. As I put the hair away from Amelia’s face. "You did amazing sweetie they didn't stand a chance." I say and kiss her forehead. Amelia smiles brightly when I kissed her forehead, her eyes still gleaming at my approval. "Okay ready to go home? We've got to get those dirt and grass stains out of your jersey you know how your coach is." I say. Gabi didn’t want to head home yet. “Papa, can Mariah come play with us in the house?” She asked with a frown, she hoped he’d see her sadness. I look to Amelia and she's giving me those puppy dog eyes. I squats down. "Okay, Amelia what is it?" I say. “Can she come play with us pleeeeease?” Amelia said, using the cutest tone possible. She was making her best attempt at being more endearing so I’d be more willing to say yes. "If it's okay with Miguel sure." I say. Amelia was ecstatic at my reply, she was jumping up and down with joy. Gabi was happy too. It was obvious that she wanted to spend more time with me, her blush made her face glow red. “Of course.” Miguel said with a confident smile. "Thank you (Y/n). You have no idea how much they enjoy your company.” He said, looking at me with admiration. "I'm glad. A friend of Amelia's is always welcomed with parents permission." I say.


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