Now I've done it...

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Even though I told Ace to stay away from me, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I felt bad, on a small scale, for not letting him explain himself. But at the same time I told him how important it was for me to be on time for work.

Ace still occupied my mind by the time Economics roll around. We had a test for the end of the quarter, and I thought I was well prepared. But when Mr.Van passed them back, I was obviously not. I got a 57, the lowest grade of my entire life. That grade would surely drop my grade by a good chunk.

I stayed after class to talk to him.

"Ms.Black, I was expecting you to stay," he smiled.

I smiled back but it wavered. "I honestly don't know what happened. I studied for over an hour last night. I felt really prepared coming into this."

"I understand, completely. Even the best of us have a slip up. And you are probably here to ask for extra points," he replied.


"I will you give you the overall grade you deserve for this quarter, I know you would have aced this test, your quizzes show it. So I'll raise your grade to what it should be, if you tutor one of my students who is struggling," he suggested.

"Absolutely, anybody," I eagerly agreed.

"Once I see improvement from this particular student is when I'll raise your grade," he explained.


"This student gives me the most grief for not turning in work. He himself is a project. I'm sure you know him, it's a small school. Ace Reigns," he said.

My stomach dropped at the name. I just nodded.

"Mr.Reigns knows he'll be getting a tutor, so you can stop by after school and meet us here," he explained.

"Sounds good," I said, forcing a smile to my face. I walked out of the classroom in despair.

I was dreading going back to Economics. I wasn't even expecting Ace to show up. But he surprised me when I saw him in a conversation with Mr.Van.

"Here she is," Mr.Van said, waving me in.

I could tell Ace was shocked to see me. He stared then turned his attention back to the teacher.

"I can't work with her," he whispered angrily.

"And why not?" He whispered back while I stood there awkwardly.

"We don't get along at all," he whisper shouted.

"Well then it's settled," he said clapping, "you and Phoenix will work on Economics and your team work."

I really needed this grade to be as high as possible so I wasn't going to argue.

Mr.Van handed me a folder.

"This is everything he has missed. I would prefer it to be back as soon as possible. Or you may hand them in one at a time as they get done," Mr.Van explained.

"We'll get started soon," I smiled.

I took the folder and walked out. I didn't expect Ace to follow me to my car.

"Phoenix, you don't have to do this," Ace frowned.

"Yes, actually I do. I need to get my grade back up and the only way that will happen is if Van sees you improve," I snapped.

"How are you going to keep your other grades up while you work?" He wondered.

"You'll have to come to work with me. It's rarely ever busy. We'll just work on it there," I replied.

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