beach sex

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songs for this chapter :
sex- the 1975
haunted- beyonće

{these two songs both have very very different vibes but I mean they're what I listened to so}

"Oh C'mon Ashley!" y/n begged from the doorway.

"I don't want to go!" Ashley whined as she crossed her arms over her chest, nestling deeper into her mattress to prove her point.

"It'll be fun!" y/n whined back, walking over to Ashley and pulling at her legs.

She flipped onto her back on the bed, pouting at y/n before giving in and standing up from the bed, walking to the front door with y/n.

"We're gonna have so much fun Ashley, just wait!" y/n squealed as they walked out of the apartment and towards the beach party.

"Hey!" y/n yelled as she got to the beach, immediately abandoning Ashley, leaving her to fend for herself in the midst of all the college and high school students milling around the beach, most of them drunk as shit.

She walked around for a while, smiling and waving awkwardly at the people who pitied her anti social appearance, offering her drinks which she all kindly refused.

Eventually though, Ashley was fed up. y/n had left her alone for almost an hour at that point, speaking to all her friends and leaving her own girlfriend to fend for herself in the atmosphere that y/n knew damn well Ashley was not comfortable in.

Soon after, y/n came up behind Ashley, wrapping her arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her neck, making Ashley involuntarily tip her head to the side, allowing better access.

"Hi baby." she giggled against her skin. Ashley turned around with a smile on her face until she saw the bottle of vodka gripped in y/n's hand.

"You're drunk." Ashley said, pushing y/n off of her.

"Oh come on princess, have a little fun!" y/n whined, making Ashley tense at the nick name.

"Come swim with me!" y/n sung, making a ridiculous face as she pulled Ashley's hand to come with her.

"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you anywhere near that water while you're drunk y/n" she said sternly.

"I guess... you're just gonna have to chase me!" y/n yelled as she ran towards the water, stripping off her clothes as she went, teasing Ashley to no end.

"fuck." she muttered under her breath before she was running after y/n, yelling at her to stop.

Once she had caught up to y/n, she grabbed her before she fell face first into the wave, dragging her back to the dry sand.

Ashley lay her down before collapsing next to her.

"God damn it y/n." she sighed, rubbing a hand over her face.

"I'm sorry baby." y/n sighed before rolling over on top of Ashley, kissing her neck once again.

"y/n, not here." Ashley half moaned as y/n left her mark on her neck.

"Please Ashley!" y/n begged.

She bit her lip before getting an idea, dragging y/n back to the waves. Once they were waist deep, Ashley didn't even waist time, just unbuttoned y/n's shorts, earning an excited yelp from her.

Ashley took off the Lacey material of y/n's panties, letting them flow away without thought. Y/n buried her face in Ashley's neck, leaving love bites as Ashley stuck her finger inside of her, curling and uncurling quickly. Y/n wrapped her legs around her, muffling her moans as she cold water surrounded the two. Ashley attempted to keep herself composed, not wanting to cum so early.

"Fuck baby." y/n moaned, letting her hands explore Ashley's body. Cupping her left breast and massaging there, making Ashley's core ignite.

Y/n's toes curled as she came, Ashley panting at the loss of contact, moaning in satisfaction as y/n finished her off the same way.

The two walked back to the car, shivering and soaked wet, but it didn't matter, they had actually had a great time that night.


This made made me extremely horny I mean if we're being honest. So. I got more uncomfortable typing panties than typing anything else in this entire imagine so now you know. -kenz

(you forgot to ask for a hell yeah!

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