thank you

3.8K 47 14

before I start let me just say that I NEVER thought this story would get as many reads as it did. like any sane person on wattpad, I was OBSESSED with how many reads my stories got. if one of my stories didn't get as many reads as I wanted, I'd just unpublish the story. I thought that was going to happen with this one. but after a day or so, the story already had like 1k reads, so mackenzie and I decided to keep posting to see where we could get. and this is the outcome- almost 200k reads. that's fucking insane. I absolutely cannot believe how many reads this story got. last night I was thinking about it and I realized just how much I take reads and votes for granted. i saw them as just another way to validate my internet credibility. but I realized, that every vote, comment and read that I barely think twice about... that's a person. a living, breathing person who took the time to read our work (for whatever reason, probably because you're all a horny lot but that's beside the point) and I just thought that I really needed to just say this to let you all know I appreciate every single one of you. you might not read this because it's not smut, and that's ok. understandable. but for the people who did read this, thank you so god damn much for everything you do! and I love you and you're fucking beautiful. this is long so I'll end it here. goodbye :)


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