random ass sex cause they felt like it

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if Ashley had not had that last drink she probably wouldn't be in some random persons (y/n's) car, headed to her house where her night would have an unexpected ending.

neither of the pair should have been driving as far as legal things went but the closest house was Ashley's and the two were in no mood to take the long way home ( bu dum tis).

once the shitty pick up truck had finally pulled into a driveway, the two rushed out of the car, Ashley speed walking towards the front door. she shoved her keys into the door handle 4 times before successfully getting the key in the lock and opening the door.

once the two were in the house they latched onto each other, fumbling up the steps, smiling and pausing in between kisses to let go of drunken giggles.

"should we like, know each other's names or so-" ashley was cut off as y/n slammed her lips back against Ashley's. They tripped into her bedroom and onto the bed, Ashley shivering underneath her in only her skater skirt and bra, the SnapBack on her head falling off. Y/N gave her a devilish grin (a/n: all time low anyone??) .

"My name's y/n." she laughed before attacking Ashley's lips once again, her fingers fumbling with the tie string of Ashley's metallic coloured bra.

"Ashley." the girl mumbled her own name just to finish off the pleasantries.

Y/N buried her fingers in Ashley's blue hair, slowly grinding against Ashley, making the other girl moan involuntarily at the sudden friction. The two crawled against the headboard and y/n held Ashley's hands there, tilting her head to deepen their kiss.

Ashley began to react, pushing her hips up also to create as much friction as their possibly could be. She felt as if she were on cloud 9, the buzz of alcohol and the heat of her actions was a feeling incomparable to that much else.

One last time, Ashley looked up at her sweaty companion, her hair matted to her forehead, a smirk on her face, and the tint of cherry lipstick Ashley had worn earlier, smeared on and above her lips. Ashley then moved quickly to take off her skater skirt, making sure to watch y/n's eyes as she saw the black lacey material of her lingerie. Ashley had meant business that night.

Y/N moved her position farther down on the bed before leaning down and blowing cool air on Ashley's core, making her shiver. She sat there for a while, making Ashley question what she was doing before she abruptly started fingering Ashley, making the girl let out a long drawn out

she pumped quickly, adding another finger and feeling Ashley clench around her, making the both of them moan, Ashley louder than y/n. Y/N leaned forward, taking one of Ashley's nipples into her mouth and sucking on the sensitive skin as she pumped quicker and quicker.

"fuck, Ashley." Y/N muttered leaning down to press kisses down Ashley's throat, leaving dark love bites down her neck.

"I-i'm" and before ashley could finish her sentence, she let go of the knot in her stomach and released around y/n's fingers.


Later that night as y/n sat up to leave, Ashley sat up with her, looking quite confused. Y/N assumed she understood the gist of the situation so she leaned towards Ashley, tucking a piece of blue hair behind her ear. Ashley kissed her hand as she did this, looking up at Y/N with her wide eyes.

"Fuck." y/n muttered, crawling back into the bed.



i really just updated this to tell you that genavive is hot k bye.

(im laughing I just saw this -genavive)

-your sideslut

(If there are any spelling errors uhm tell me I guess.)

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