breakfast and tones

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Connie's POV

I woke up thirty minutes ago and have been on my phone since, the contract Xander gave me yesterday sits on my dresser and I haven't opened it yet. I'm kind of worried what details it entails because it just seems so weird that he would want me to sign something that my father and him should sign. On the other hand it is an advantage because now that I have the contract with me it will be easier to find any loopholes it may have.

Standing up from the bed, I head into the bathroom, I then brush my teeth and take a shower then go out to the closet. Taking a long blue summer dress and flats. I put my hair in a high ponytail and head downstairs.

"Seriously Gio, give me my phone back!" I am met by Emily's yelling once I enter the living room and I look at her and Giovanni, he is holding her phone up and she is jumping up and down trying to take it from him. Xander is sitting by the sofa and is texting on his phone.

"Jordan, tell your stupid brother to give back my phone this instant" Emily whines and turns to look at Xander who lifts his head to look at the scene before shaking his head and going back to his phone.

Jordan? Huh, didn't expect that.

Ding, a notification pops up on Emily's phone and Giovanni peeks at it and immediately his hand drops down and he says glares at her before asking "who the hell is Jake?! And why the fuck is there a red heart emoji next to his name?!" He blurts out and Xander looks up from his phone with the same expression as Giovanni.

Oh God, I know that expression and I have been on the receiving end of it from Dante and my cousin Fabio, it is not nice.

"Rosa, I believe Ricky asked you a question, answer him now" Xander demands and Emily looks at me with a "please help look" and I want to step in but it feels like I shouldn't because I hardly know either of them, but Emily is a cool kid and I really like her.

Also what is it with these siblings calling each other with their middle names? It is weird.

"Hey guys, let's go have breakfast, yeah" I finally say and the two males look my direction as if they just noticed me, Xander's eyes linger on my outfit making me rethink my choice of clothing, was it bad? I didn't think so.

"Oh, hey Selena, didn't see you there" Giovanni says "let's go have breakfast but this isn't over Rosa" he says handing her, her phone back and moving to the kitchen.

Xander get up from the sofa and looks at me then smiles before turning and walking into the kitchen.

Shit, that made my cheeks turn red but then I remembered the kind of asshole he is and I ignored the redness on my cheeks and went into the kitchen as well.

"Good morning Cynthia, how are you?" Giovanni asked as soon as he saw Cynthia dishing up breakfast.

"Good morning Gio, I'm good thanks and yourself?" She asked with a smile

"I'm hungry" he responded and made a sad face causing Cynthia to laugh

"Boy, you do see me dishing up don't you, patience please"

"Fineee" he dragged out

Giovanni seems reserved but he looks like the type to be playful around people he feels comfortable with, he reminds me of my oldest cousin Areola.

"Did you all really come into the kitchen to rush me on breakfast? You kids need to learn to be more patient" Cynthia said while waving a wooden spoon int the air.

"Sorry Cynthia it's just that you make the best food ever, we can't start the day without having your breakfast meals" said Emily as she added puppy eyes making Xander scoff.

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