The Hernandez family

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Connie's POV

After exiting Xander's office I went up to my room, I felt tears in my eyes aching to be let out but I honestly couldn't afford to shed tears because of someone like Veronica. That girl has no knowledge of respecting others.

Also I don't know how to react to the news of her being pregnant with Xander's child, I should be happy because I don't want to have children with someone I don't love, but honestly speaking I've started to like him as a human and might have started to enjoy his company, but that isn't enough to make me stay here with Veronica.

I need my friends right now, just as I was about to pick up my phone to call Isabella, because I haven't talked to her in a long time, a knock came from the door, I stood up to open the door and the beautiful Emily was on the other side.

"Hey girl, I just saw Veronica here and thought that my stupid brother sided with her in whatever nonsense she must have said and seeing that you are in your room while she's downstairs with Xander, I'm right" she immediately said.

I chuckled "Hey Em, you know you are insightful, but I don't really care what those two do, they are way too grown for me to be bothered by them"

"That's good, but you might want to come back downstairs, because your family just arrived and maybe reapply your make up before meeting them" she said and left.

I looked at myself in the mirror and the litte make up from this morning was starting wear off. I wiped it all off and applied some face moisturizer, I decided to not apply any makeup at all because it is already night time and I'm tired, I just applied some clear lip gloss, we don't want chapped lips now do we?

I went downstairs in hopes of seeing my abuela, abuelo and my primo Carlos, he is my favorite cousin and basically my older brother, he is my partner in crime, we used to get into some silly trouble growing up, even though he is six years older than me, he never made me feel excluded, unlike my others older cousins.

The chaos downstairs was now calm and controllable unlike earlier. Entering the living room the first person I saw was Xander, however I ignored him and turned to look at my parents and gave them a tight lip smile, they looked disappointed. Yeah well.

"Princesa are you not going to hug your favorite grandparents, you are making me sad" my abuela said making me basically run towards her and abuelo.

"Ay, are you trying to kill us, princesa" abuelo playfully gasped for air.

"I missed you old people so much, how did you manage to get even older than the last time I saw you?" I teased and abuela pinched my arm. "Owww, I was only joking, pinchy"

"I'm not old, your abuelo sure is but I'm still in my prime" she said and whipped her hair to the nape of her neck, making everyone in the room laugh. I even forgot that there were other people in here.

"Princesa, why didn't you tell us earlier that you are getting married, I didn't even know you were dating someone long enough to think about marriage" abuelo said.

So no one told them that this is a sham marriage, now I have to lie to the people I love the most, great, thanks mom and dad.

"Ay papa, we haven't been together for long but we just couldn't wait to get married because we can't imagine our lives without each other, we make each other happy" I said wanting to puke as I lied to them.

"Mija estas embarazada? Abuela asked
(Are you pregnant?)

"Dios mío pinchy, of course not, trust me when I say that isn't happening anytime soon" I said and she pouted.

"Well we have come to an end and the ceremony was successful, we will be back for the main event in two months. Thank you to all that took time off to welcome our newest DeLuca bride" Rogelio said as he was wrapping up the gathered people in the house.

It took at least 30 minutes to clear the house of our guests, my cousin hadn't arrived yet, apparently his flight got delayed.

I still can't believe that my parents and the DeLucas lied about the marriage to my grandparents, now I have to lie to them as well. Urgh, this is starting to really annoy the shit out of me.

I changed out of the tacky dress and since it was night time, I changed into my matching pink sweatshirt and pants and slippers. I'd planned on going to the garden and sit there for a while. I went back downstairs to find Veronica, Xander, Emily, Giovanni, Dante, Bianca and Hunter, they mentioned that they would stop by after the ceremony but when it started to get dark out, I just assumed that they decided to not come.

Isabella isn't here because she's currently in Sweden on a mandatory sabbatical. I just hope she will be around by the time the wedding is here, I honestly cannot survive through this without her and Bianca by my side.

"Ohh look it's the unwanted fiancee" Veronica turned to my direction at the sound of my footsteps. "What are you even wearing, you unfashionable bitch?" she asked disgusted.

"I thought I told you to start using my name, Veronica" I said putting emphasis on her name.

"Did you just call my best friend a bitch?" Bianca asked.

"Yes, I did and there is nothing either of you can do" Veronica said smirking.

"Xander, you better get your girl before she embarrasses herself" Bianca said to Xander.

"Please don't involve me in this" Xander said without looking up from his phone.

"Baby, are you going to let them gang up on me, knowing very well that they will upset the baby" Veronica squeaked out.

"THE WHAT" Dante, Hunter, Emily and Giovanni exclaimed at once.

"Oops, my bad that just slipped out, we weren't to tell people until tomorrow but I guess that cat is out of the box" she said ever so snarky.

"Bro, please tell me that this isn't really happening, please' Dante said to Xander but looked at me as he spoke, like he was trying to see my reaction.

"I'm still trying to process this myself but yeah it's happening and Veronica will be moving in for a while" Xander replied.

"Nope, no way in hell is my little sister going to stay with you and your girlfriend" Dante threatened.

Veronica scoffed "Little sister, really? So you would choose this cheap bitch over your unborn God child?" She asked Dante.

"Veronica, please don't make me laugh. You might be carrying Xander's child and he might be my  best friend, but I don't like you and I never will, so please before you think that you actually mean something to me, stop" he said surprising everyone.

Everyone knows that Dante does not like to engage in childish conversations, so this came as a surprise for all of us, Veronica included.

"Bro, calm down, don't let her get to you. She is just trying to aggravate you, don't give her the satisfaction, okay" Hunter spoke.

"So what, you are just going to let my best friend stay in the same house as this psychopath? No way, am I letting that happen" Bianca said.

"Everyone please calm down, after the wedding, I will be moving to my old apartment" I said trying to ease everyone's heightened emotions.

"Won't people have concerns about you two not leaving together?" Dante asked.

"We'll just say that, I chose to move closer to the current Foundation project so that I may be able to oversee the entire process" I reasoned.

"I guess that would do it for a few months"

"Yeah" I replied and noticed that Emily was bored. "Bia, Emily, let's leave the guys to their own thing and go watch some movies in the movie room" I suggested.

"Aren't you going to invite me as well?" Veronica asked.

I chuckled "No" and we stood up and left.

Connie Where stories live. Discover now